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  1. C

    The Habey 800B

    What sort of temps are people seeing? I love the case, but it seems to run a little warm for me with a i3-2100T.
  2. C

    ASUS Official Z68 Poll

    I purchased a P67 board when they came out in January, so there's no real need to upgrade to Z68. I've been very happy with for the most part. I know computers evolve quickly and technologies change, but the P67->Z68 transition seemed a bit quick in this case. I know it'll make me watch a bit...
  3. C

    my 3 mini-ITX builds (with pics!)

    FYI, Newegg has the 800B back in stock. Of course, I got the auto-notify right after I had ordered if from another company I found on the web. Oh well...
  4. C

    my 3 mini-ITX builds (with pics!)

    Thanks for the write up! I've been looking for a good case for a i3-2100T build, and didn't like what I had seen at all from Antec. Now, to try and find a Habey!
  5. C

    Help me decide upgrade from E8500 to 2500k or 2600k

    If it's something you're going to obsess over, I'd say just get the 2600K and be done with it. And then stop reading CPU reviews for awhile, as something is going to come out which is faster than the 2600K. Personally, I went with the 2500k based on the price difference. The extra $100 or...
  6. C

    Hurry Microcenter has P8P67 Pro, Gigabyte GA-P67-UD4 !!!

    There were at least 9 of the Pros at the Cambridge MC. I only know this because I was up at 5 am changing my baby's diaper, and I checked the website on a whim. They even had a bunch of the deluxes in as well. When I went there around 3 to pick mine up, I saw all of the Pros on the "18...
  7. C

    P8P67 Pro B3 - CPU Red LED

    A bunch of us were trying to get CrashFree Bios 3 working after the 1305 bios bricking, and never made any progress. The only instructions I was able to find were those in the manual, which didn't do anything. There was also a video describing it on YouTube, but I haven't heard of anyone...
  8. C

    Asus P67 boards available!

    Bah, the MC near me only had the Sabertooth boards in stock, and now the LE boards. Still waiting on the Pro...
  9. C

    Has anyone exchange 1155 Socket M/B at Microcenter?

    Starting to lean the Asus route as well. Micro Center in Cambridge still hasn't received any boards that I know of. When their site showed one in stock this morning, I bought it right away, and then got a cancellation email a couple hours later. I figured it was going to be easier with a...
  10. C

    Has your dealer contacted you about the Sandy Bridge recall?

    Yeah, it's tempting to get a refund on the board, and wait until Z68 is out in May. Even though it's supposed to be better at overclocking, it can't be *that* much better... can it?
  11. C

    1305 Bricking BIOS pool

    Kudos to your hard work, Gipsy. I still think we need a more workable solution from ASUS, however. Ordering a second bios chip and hotswapping it is awesome, but way too much to ask from your regular consumer. Most people on the [H] are quite savvy, but having to spend $20+ to repair a...
  12. C

    SOLVED 1305 brick downgraded to 1204 hotflash

    Nice work, gipsy. Not sure I want to spend money fixing something that shouldn't have broken in the first place, though.
  13. C

    1305 Bricking BIOS pool

    Given that most of this happened over the weekend, I'd give Asus the benefit of the doubt for now. At this point, I'd be happy if we were given an idea of what to expect. If there's some way we can salvage the board, I'd happily sit tight for a little bit. If there's nothing they can do for...
  14. C

    1305 Bricking BIOS pool

    Interesting - my P8P67 Pro is bricked, and I shut it down before it posted. This seems to be a common trend. As someone else suggested, I wonder if there was something the board was trying to do at the next post, and shutting down the system before then interfered with that.
  15. C

    How to Try To FLASH a Bricked No Boot ASUS P67

    FYI, this is what I'm seeing as well. Updated from 1302.
  16. C

    Asus P8P67 Anybody 'NOT' Having Problems with this Board ?

    P8P67 Pro / 2500K here. I've had no serious problems with the board, it's been great so far. The only annoyance is that the board sometimes will double POST during a cold boot, and sometimes complains about setting the ram to 1600. I'm using the 8GB G.Skill Ripjaws, so that may have...
  17. C

    Memory speed you're ordering for your new SB?

    I've always taken the QVL as a suggestion more than anything. The QVL for the Pro only lists one 2x4GB 1600 kit, which seems a bit restrictive.
  18. C

    Gigabyte Holiday [H] Give-Away!!!

    I'd like one because my current system is a few years old, and starting to show its age.
  19. C

    Dell U2410

    I just called up Dell and asked for a discount like some folks earlier in the thread. I let them know I was interested in purchasing a U2410, said that it was $599 on the website, but I had seen it for far less before. I told them if I could get it for $499, I'd purchase it that day. (I know...
  20. C

    Dell U2410

    Admittedly, it is a bit nitpicky. Perhaps I'm not very good at calibrating monitors, but I wasn't able to get the non-RGB modes all that close to the RGB modes. I'm using a Spyder 3 Express, which is better than my previous method (eyeballing it). For me, it comes down to the fact that it...
  21. C

    Dell U2410

    My U2410 doesn't have the tinting issues, as far as I can tell. I've been on the fence about returning it, but decided to send it back. I really love this monitor, but the dithering just drove me nuts. I'm going to keep an eye on the dithering issue, and once it's fixed, I'll be ordering...
  22. C

    Dell U2410

    Hi everyone - longtime lurker, first time poster. I ordered a U2410 a few weeks ago, seemingly without any of the tint problems that have plagued many of the panels. The static dithering is particular nasty when in sRGB mode, though. Like others, I'm on the fence about returning it. On one...