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    Radeon bios editer on 5850.

    did the chipset voltage control work too?
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    Radeon bios editer on 5850.

    Has anyone tried and had any luck using the radeon bios editer to modify clocks/fan speeds on a 5850 yet?
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    XFX 5970 Black Edition or XFX 5870 XXX?

    5970 = ultra win. if i had one, you would have to pry it from my cold dead fingers. Its crossfire 2x 5870's downclocked on one card, and from what i hear, they overclock like mad. you would have to be sniffing glue to not want it. you should be able to nab a real good price...
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    5870 Screen Tearing Please Help

    gah, looks like the 5850 is not officially supported in radeon bios editer yet. perhaps ill go back to stock clocks till they get that fully suppported then. It isnt like i NEED to overclock, i get good gameplay in crysis at stock. these 58xx cards are the bomb diggity.
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    5870 Screen Tearing Please Help

    gonna try doing all my overclocking using Radeon Bios Editer and see how that pans out, i should be able to modify the 2d clocks there and the 3d clocks without afterburner software or other junk. looks i can control the fan speed peramaters there too. I guess how i should approach this...
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    5870 Screen Tearing Please Help

    I also have the screen tearing issue, dual moniter setup, windows 7 64bit. I have flashed my xfx 5850 card to the msi unlocked bios and am using the afterburner software. I think sort of have it figured. i created an overclocked profile for 3d and for the 2d profile i set it to default...