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  1. O

    Old Soundblaster in Win7.

    I'll take that into account. Since I got the SBLive working I'm thinking about piping my onboard sound to the house speakers, and since I'm working with a stereo receiver from the 70's, having equalized, preamped sound going out to it would be a massive help.
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    Old Soundblaster in Win7.

    Disregard this thread. I finally got sick of it all, sat down with a pen and paper and systematically tested each and every DSP output in the KX DSP panel. 3 hours and 4 Rockstars later it works. Thanks for the suggestions all!
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    Old Soundblaster in Win7.

    I'd like to avoid using onboard. Bass response is nowhere near as good as the Live! and it isn't anywhere near as loud.
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    Old Soundblaster in Win7.

    Morning, guys! I have a pretty good question for everyone. And before anyone jumps on me for it, Yes I've googled it and no nothing worked. I'm running Win7 Ultimate x64 on my main gaming rig. A few days ago, my Audigy 4 took a dirt nap on me. I had to fall back to an older SoundBlaster Live...
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    Galaxy - 8 weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 4

    I could use a physx card...
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    Matrox with 8 Head Card

    I think I'd rather just buy 4 $50 9400GTs and a mobo to support them, then say a little prayer.
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    Intel Core i7 Full System Drawing @ [H]

    This would make my spankin' new Signature edition of Windows 7 rock even more. Gimme!