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  1. I

    RMAed a BFG 8800GTX, Got a 9800 GT OC (1GB) in return

    Okay, RMA card runs at 57 C- idle and 83 C- max while in 1600x1050 resolution and medium-high to very-high settings! At long last I can finally enjoy my purchase, lol
  2. I

    RMAed a BFG 8800GTX, Got a 9800 GT OC (1GB) in return

    Oh I see, didn't I hear a while back that NVIDIA intended to make that 9800 GT the same as the 8800 but only with a smaller manufacturing process? I remember thinking the 8800 was somewhere in the 60-70nm range and the 9800 was 55nm or something like that? Or am I mistaken/delusional? lol...
  3. I

    RMAed a BFG 8800GTX, Got a 9800 GT OC (1GB) in return

    Called BFG to RMA my BFG Tech 8800 GT 512 OC on Friday 7/17 at 10 AM, received 9800 GT OC 512 5:37 PM by FedEx Monday 7/20 via cross-shipment RMA. 8800 GT 512 OC to 9800 GT 512 OC is a good trade?