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  1. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Wow thanks. That is very important info, I didn't know that. I only acted as a mid-level user, didnt know you had to pretend to be computer illiterate. What happens though, when they as for your details? I bought this computer second hand, about 4 months after the first user had it. The...
  2. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    How did you get them to replace it? I have an S3120 as well, and it is out of warranty by half a year now. The last time I called them, asked about the issue, brought up the link that you just sent me, and everything is pointing towards motherboard failure, deemed for replacement. However...
  3. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Hey guys, after my countless attempts during the past few months to try and reset the CMOS, my M2NC51-AR finally booted. I feel super lucky. It doesn't turn on EVERY time though. Most of the time I get no display, but other times it does post. However, once it does post, it won't die, no...
  4. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Hey guys, after reading this long long long thread I decided that I should join in on the action. I personally bought one of these S3120n Slimlines a while back, (not with the intention of modifying it) but just last week it coughed up its very last movie flick and just died. I am looking for...