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  1. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    It's been awhile since I have been on here just thought I would pop in it looks like some are having issues with the HD 4550? I have a Sapphire HD 4650 that runs pretty well I like it but there are a few issues that some of you may want to try if you are having crash problems or issues with the...
  2. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Silent Bob that card is pretty nice though not a major gaming card it does what I need it to. If you watch Blue Ray or DVD's via your PC you will like this card as that is it's main purpose. I do not see any problems with you using this card on your system as it does not draw that much power...
  3. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    eatfishy The 40mm fan can go on the inside of the case, I have a mini kaze in mine works fine and very quiet. I think you can put up to 3 fans along the back grate. They do help I also have one blowing on the heatsink for the chipset as well.
  4. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    The PSU is 160W, I swapped mine out. However I probably could have ran my current system on the 160W PSU, although I pretty sure I would have been taxing it at full load if not overloading it at times. A work around would be to replace the 65W CPU with a 45W one...then sell the 65W on Ubid or...
  5. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Sorry about that Archaea....guess there are always exceptions. Maybe I should restate that one since most the IT guys I have ever worked with, with the exception of one would always blame "software" anytime you had a problem with your PC and would always just recommend a "flush and reload" of...
  6. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I've been looking at the past few posts... On the ATI side I am running the HD 4650 and it's cool and quiet. On the PSU I learned never to ask (restated) MY IT guy anything, usually I end up with the old it'll never work routine and they will quote some out of date calculator......LOL. Anyway...
  7. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I would get the max you can put in that model....make sure it's dual channel since these support dual channel. However if I were you I would just wait and get Window 7, it requires less memory than Vista I am running Windows 7 RC on 2GB right now, without a problem, it's worth a look. Plus...
  8. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Read the third bullet on this article and this is not the only site I have read this. RUMORS
  9. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I loaded Microsofts latest Release of Windows 7 on my secondary PC the HP s3400f it runs real nice on the slimline....I did originally have Vista but it seemed to run slow, then loaded XP Pro which is my usual standard, but once I loaded Windows 7 WOW! I like it, it's very smooth and it...
  10. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I have the same PSU all you have to do is break off the extra clip if you ordered it from itx depot then you don't need to use 24 to 24 small...if you check closely you will notice that the extra 4 pins do snap off and you can use the standard converter. It works I have two of these running...
  11. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Well you can go on the cheap and get the InWin PSU which is good enough it's 300W but I think it's has 70% efficiency PSU so you get about the same Wattage (if not less) on the 12V lines as say the 270W Sparkle or the 250W Seasonic regardless of what's written in the "max amps" label on the...
  12. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    GodZeus, If I were you I would go with the lower wattage CPU to increase you video card selection. Is there any reason you're not going with the 5050e? Just my opinion. My thought would be to go with the Nvidia though with the stock PSU you won't find too many good gaming low profile...
  13. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Well I have had the first build completed now for awhile happy to say all is perfect the SS-250SU PSU is very cool and very quiet, and has been flawless....I have 1- 40mm fan blowing out the back and one on the chipset...seems to keep everything very cool. The Radeon HD 4650 is perfect it runs...
  14. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Destuct My specs are below: CPU AMD 5050e (45 Watt) Seasonic 250 W (SS-250SU) (I got it here in case someone wants the link) its rebranded to Travia but it's a Seasonic. 2GB Crucial DDR2 6400 Hitachi 320Gb "Green Drive" Std DVD that came with the system Sapphire Radeon HD 4650 I added...
  15. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Destruc2 with that Video card you don't need the 6 pin connector, that's the exact one I purchase from newegg and installed in my S3400F install went very well. I could not get the driver to work for the Hi Def Audio but don't use it so did not bother with it, I am sure I could have found a...
  16. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Mike, You can find the M2N61-AR used on Ebay for about 75 shipped from Hong Kong. It's another HP board but I like it. It also recognizes the new dual core (45W) e processors the 51 does not. The Zotac 9300 is a nice board but you may have problems with the heat sink since the slimlines...
  17. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I did find this on another form not sure if it fixes the problem with the CPU but if you want to risk it might be worth a shot then again I don't know the source or who hacked it or why. Pavilion Slimline Desktop PC (asus M2NC51-AR Motherboard) : phoenix or award Try this SLIC =...
  18. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Wish I could be telling you it works but every post I have read on it says it won't work. I know that up to around the s3200 series they used the M2N51 boards and they do have a recall on HP's site that there are "possible" problems with the motherboard, not sure it that would be one of them...
  19. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Well it's together. Here is how it went. I had the Seasonic 250W PSU fit perfect 3 screws had to drill 1 hole slightly larger but went in without a hitch. I did switch the +12V1 and +12V2 lines just in case. I got XP Pro loaded but driver problems for the chipset, so got the drivers via...
  20. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I think what would be better is to put in a video card if you are looking for a HTPC then try the Radeon HD 4650 or better the HD 4650 has an HDMI out w/sound. I just put the 4650 in my new setup which is an older s3400f and it works great! I found even in windows the video was not very good...
  21. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Sounds good Rob...good luck let us know how that goes for you. On another not I found a good place for power supplies these guys spec them out pretty well I was wondering if anyone out there has modified their case such that they were able to...
  22. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Well I did not get to look at it yesterday but this morning I took a quick look, I did not open up the PSU but it looks like the yellow lines are not marked either way (usually they say the +12V2 should be yellow with a black stripe. So probably a single rail acting as two I may still switch...
  23. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Yeah Archaea I doubt they could truly fit two 12V Rails in these things, but I was under the impression that the +12V1 and +12V2 were at least limited by circuitry or that could be a bunch of garbage too.... Like most feel there should be more of a standard for PSU's just looking at it the...
  24. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    ScarCrow: That PSU won't fit the case just by looking at it. There are plenty of choices Seasonic has the highest I have seen at 400W but that will be noisy, then again if you are looking at a high end video card they are usually pretty noisy anyway...if I was building that type of system I...
  25. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Okay I have been hitting the books pretty hard on this one, trying to school myself a little on PSU's with the +12V1 and the +12V2 is what I find if it interests anyone. THERE IS NO this drives me nuts, the information sites say different things depending on...
  26. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Well I got my Travia (Sesonic rebrand) PSU today and wow super PSU. IT had a 20 +4 Pin, PLUS, 3-4 pin Molex, and 2 SATA power connectors (I still need an extension however due to the 90 degree difference between the HD and the DVD, and a 6-pin connector for a video card (doubt this PSU has...
  27. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I went ahead and ordered the Seasonic (rebranded) the actual amperage should be sufficient doubt I will use a higher end Video card (right now anyway). Also the amps listed for the Seasonic are constant the Peak is 10amp and 16amps. Also if you look at the Sparkle output on the 12V1 and 12V2...
  28. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Well back from Vacation and getting ready for my build. I received my PSU but as I figured it was too wide it's 3.9" which I could probably get to fit but did not want to modify the case metal that much in order to fit it in there. In any event I was thinking of a Seasonic SS250-SU which...
  29. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Well looking more into the specs of my 18 dollar PSU.....darn it's too wide not sure why I did not check but it's 3.9" where the case fits a 3.2" I may check to see if I can modify the case but for the most part probably not. Guess I will just use it on another build at a later date. Anyway...
  30. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Where else EBAY.....They have people that sell cases without PSU's for about 40, I happened to get lucky and got a case that had the motherboard, PSU, CD, Cooler included for 50, bucks. From what I can tell it's in good shape, my conclusion from looking at it was the person who had it tried to...
  31. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Zoggle you have to remember the watts spec'd are maximums, you usually do not max out the whole system at one time. The video card you show uses anywhere from 10 to 80W depending. You would be looking at around 170W if you ran everything at the same time. Meaning burned a DVD, from a file on...
  32. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Hey Archaea, I got the case today good news! It has the cpu cooler! so no worries there. It sure is light though! Is the standard fan included pretty quiet? or should I change it out? I have heard the systems in the store and they seem quiet enough. So I have my AMD 5050e, 320GB HD, 2GB (2...
  33. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Actually if I went with a 120mm I might use this fan...nice and flush...very quiet too at 20dba full power. Oops follow up I did not even notice this is a 250mm fan.....Wow could probably use my pc as a leaf blower too!......LOL. Anyway it would be a nice...
  34. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Nice mod. Actually I think the 270 W Sparkle is shorter and a little smaller than the 300W FSP300 plus the 300 has 2 fans one on each end. I may or may not mod it. Another person had posted saying it was louder than the shuttle but still quiet. I have a Shuttle box to in the bedroom it is...
  35. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I see your point Archaea, I have a Yate Loon 120 in my current rig but also got a very quiet fan evercool fan from an online site called they have quiet a selection for fans. They do have a 40mm from silenx at 14dba. In any event I think a lot of noise comes from the air moving through...
  36. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I do not have the heatsink, the case only comes with the motherboard PSU and of course the case.... I may just go the route with the low profile HSF since it's quiet then get a couple of quiet fans for the back..going for a quiet PC hopefully...the one I have now micro atx has a 120mm fan on...
  37. H

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I purchased a case with a motherboard and PSU the model is the s3400f. So far I have an AMD 5050e, 2Gb Crucial DDR2-800, a Hitatchi 320Gb 7K1000.B HD (supposedly clocked just under the WD Raptor) From this form I have read to replace the PSU is I want to run any Video card Higher than an...