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  1. E

    Dell 2408WFP Now Available

    cool, thanks for taking the time to take those pictures! :) I think I will take my chances and place an order. I spoke to a dell rep a couple of days ago, explained to him about th ebanding issues etc, how this would affect my work etc, and he told me if I'm not satisfied with the product I...
  2. E

    Dell 2408WFP Now Available

    Rev A02, those seem pretty new. If you google 2408WFP Rev A02 you get some ebay site s and a lot of chinese sites with some showing photos of the sticker on the back of the monitor. ive yet to see a photo with BOTH the name of the monitor model AND the revision number. :) Anyone with a A02 care...
  3. E

    Dell 2408WFP Now Available

    Hello, I work a lot in Photoshop and I'm planning on buying a new monitor and it is crucial that the monitor displays gradients properly. There is a test here where you can check if your monitor suffers from color banding: I was hoping maybe you guys...