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  1. M

    Windows 10 update stuck at 98%

    How long did you wait before giving up on the update? Once I had it stall out and left it alone for a few hours and came back to find it finally updated
  2. M

    To Find Suspects, Police Quietly Turn to Google

    Google isn't the only one infringing on your privacy. If you're worried about privacy I would recommend never setting up a bank account, having credit cards, using any cell phone, using any electric device connected to the internet, having a social security number, getting a passport or going...
  3. M

    Researchers Believe Aliens Could Send Malware and Destroy Humanity

    This is what we should be doing with AI, but alas we're not worried about something we create. Just what some damn foreign aliens might create
  4. M

    Active Speakers for TV

    Klipsch The sixes
  5. M

    Microsoft Family

    it just means they made their own Microsoft account so they can log in to some games where you must have one, some local multiplayer games on Xbox require this step. It does not mean they have your password or credentials.
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    Former Pentagon X-Files Chief: Existence of UFOs “Proved beyond Reasonable Doubt”

    Most likely none of us were even born when humans made first contact. Humanoid space men and UFO depictions go back throughout history.
  7. M

    Stripper Revenues Look for Steep Drop Q1'18

    All the plastic in our water will eventually become a microplastic. They really should be trying for a ban on all plastics. They're just picking on plastic that proves unicorns do exist and makes tits magical, sheesh.
  8. M

    Final Fantasy XV on Xbox One X Will Run at Native 3K "1800p" Resolution

    And everyone bitches it's not native 4k, when they said a few weeks ago that two 1080ti's would struggle at 4k with this game
  9. M

    Watch Hackers Take Over a Segway with Someone on It

    Right now I see it as making the world safer from lazy tourists
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    AMD Ryzen 5 Reviewer's Kit Giveaway

  11. M

    Odd stability issue at high clocks FX 6350

    I had an older phenom 2 that would do the same thing on Prime95. It ran 4.2ghz for several years without issue, just Prime would crap it out.
  12. M

    Gaming keyboard and mouse

    For a mouse, the G502 seems to be one of the best I have used for gaming.
  13. M

    EA Accidentally Revealed Xbox One Sales Figures?

    well I am not part of EA's numbers so + 1 here.
  14. M

    Is Halo 5 still populated?

    yes, its still going strong.
  15. M

    Windows Licence + install media question.

    The license is tied to the systems motherboard the dell license will not work on your HP. You can call microsoft to double check before you try it. I had a similar sistuation and could not transfer my license.
  16. M

    The [H]ardOCP Mini-Giveaway Sponsored by ASUS

    It fits in all the tight spaces!
  17. M

    Battlefield Hardline Leaked Trailer

    good for a year until the next one. Thanks EA your the best.
  18. M

    Worthy Upgrade?

    i think u would benefit most by getting more ram and a SSD.
  19. M

    Big Layoffs At Thief Developer Eidos Montreal

    just as it was said before. This is not news, happens almost every time a game is finished. This is how the gaming industry works.
  20. M

    Free Humble Origin Bundle Games

    dead space steam still up for grabs?
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    Nintendo’s Wii U Is Costing It Billions

    lol . I was a fool to read such bs from
  22. M

    Logitech G400 randomly disconnecting/reconnecting in W7

    see if it works on another computer before replacing it.
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    The Hardest Video Games of All Time

    melons secret castle on the nes
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    Who won this generation?

    the winner would be whomever sold the most.
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    Second display goes blank after hibernate

    sounds like its the display causing the problem. but the only way to know for sure is to hook up another monitor or tv to see if it is the monitor or adapter. good luck.
  26. M

    Second display goes blank after hibernate

    things to try when the monitor wont turn back on have u tried disabling your display adapter and enabling it again? does it turn back on after this? have you tried physically removing the display cable and putting it back in while ur computer is on while the monitor wont work? i would...
  27. M

    Second display goes blank after hibernate

    i mean plug in ur secondary monitor where ur primary is hooked up and hook ur primary up to where ur secondary is hooked to see if the problem is with the monitor or the adapter. this would be done by physically moving the cables hooked to the back of your computer.
  28. M

    Second display goes blank after hibernate

    i would try hooking up your second screen as the primary display and see if it does the samething first.
  29. M

    Malware - can I add new OS onto new HD and then access files on infected HD?

    just make sure everything is up to date on the new system before hooking up the infected drive. I would also recommend creating a back up image of your system before hand, just in case.
  30. M

    ASUS & [H]ardOCP Haswell Z87 Motherboard Giveaway! Week 1

    Take the dog for a walk. Upon returning i will have a stable overclock without the hassle of a few nights of tweaking.
  31. M

    2 wireless controllers possible?

    yes. i think u can use three or four wireless controllers. you need to pair each controller to the same wireless reciever.
  32. M

    Official Wii U discussion thread (no bashing)

    update took me about 10mins to download and abot six mins to install. fry's is having combo game sale. sonic all star racing, zombie u and nintendyland for sixty dollars.
  33. M

    Computer Freezing, requires a hard reset

    did u manually install the network chipset drivers from the motherboards website or did u just let windows do it? i would recommend that u uninstall the network chipset drivers and install the ones made for your mobo, if u havent.
  34. M

    Sony PlayStation Meeting 2013 Live-Stream

    the jaguar cpu by amd is being made for tablets/ultra low power laptops(the cheap ones). and yes this is a fact, look up amd's cpu forcast for 2013. having to always be connected to the internet is fail. noticeable frame rate drops and pausing when stream to the vita on a game that looked...