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  1. M

    Is it possible to get a good S-IPS 24" panel for less than $1,000?

    Cool. I decided to go the conservative route and order the HP 2475 from Amazon. I went the cheapo shipping route so it should be here by Spring but I'll let folks know how it goes and what version/revision I end up with. There were a couple of reviews with folks mentioning getting really old...
  2. M

    Is it possible to get a good S-IPS 24" panel for less than $1,000?

    Has anyone been brave enough to order the refurb'd NEC 2490, and if so how did it work out and what is the policy with dead pixels? Can you only return if it's "defective" which I am curious what that means (> x # of dead pixels)? I ask because, like so many other folks, I'm trying to decided...