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  1. J

    Study Identifies Fastest Internet Speeds Among Nations, States

    Size shouldnt matter much TBH and neither should density, i mean Sweden is slightly larger then California but only a quarter of the population. Still i belive 99% or so of Sweden have access to atleast 8 mbit , and we have some really remote places here (most ppl live in the south),and i dont...
  2. J

    4870 and WoW = no go.

    Would a reinstalled OS (XP in my case, WoW is only DX9 afterall) do that ? if so yes, the old drivers were removed ;)
  3. J

    4870 and WoW = no go.

    Could very well be, exept for the fact that apart from the GC's everything is the same. Also i keep my addons updated and error free. And spare me the "crack" metaphores, im a long time player but its more of a hobby to me then a full time job ;)
  4. J

    4870 and WoW = no go.

    May I ask what resolution and settings you guys use ? I'm at 1920*1200 and the 285 runs that with every slider to max without even the sligthest slowdowns. I also used 1920*1200 with the 4870, but couldnt use "multisampling" (the in-game AA) past the 2x (max is 8) without getting huge FPS...
  5. J

    4870 and WoW = no go.

    So i've finally given up on my 4870-1gb. Unfortunatly i belived all the amazing reviews this card got, mostly from sites that forgot entirelly to test anything but the very latest games and benchmarks. Thing is i pretty much only play WoW and got the card in time for the last exp-pac cause my...