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  1. S

    Triple Monitor Help

    it will play and you can stretch the resolution to fit your screen, but it will always render at 4:3 or 5:4 aspect ratios
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    Triple Monitor Help

    cs 1.6 doesn't even support widescreen resolutions so I don't think it'll stretch over multiple screens
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    how do you guys clean your LCD's?

    what about dishwashing/hand soap? is that bad for the monitor?
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    Opinions on HP w2408h ?

    I like the monitor. disclaimer - I'm a fan of glossy screens the colors are good, nice and bright, and I got it for a good price, the adjustments available with the arm are great (height and rotation adjustments are great when I have several seating areas around my desk) I don't get the...
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    Opinions on upgrading to a large display when your pc kinda stinks?

    I'd say it's worth it. you can always run the game at a non-native resolution if you must until you upgrade. I'm running a 24" monitor on an Nvidea 7400 and I don't really care unless I'm running games, then I dock the resolution to something non-native. Doesn't look great, but doesn't matter...
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    16:9 vs 16:10

    for the same size (ie, 24") a 16:9 monitor will be shorter, yes, but also wider. so instead of black bars in the top/bottom, it extends it to the sides. basically increasing the usable space for 16:9 images
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    Which do you prefer... Large monitor or smaller?

    20-24" is small? lol, then what do I call my 13.3" screen? epic tiny? on that note, if it weren't for the price constraints of buying a 30" monitor and the hardware associated with running one, I'd totally be on it.
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    Recommend a Budget 24incher

    just so you know, that one just has a glossy cabinet, i'm not sure, but i don't think the screen itself is glossy
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    16:9 vs 16:10

    In that case, unless you watch a ton of movies, I'd get a 24" 16:10 monitor
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    HP W2408H or Gateway FHD2400

    we order primarily dell 2408s and 3007s for large display workstations. the 2408s we can get for a pretty decent price, scores below the retail price. If it's for a business, which it sounds like you are, you might want to inquire about their business pricing.
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    HP W2408H or Gateway FHD2400 !! go now!!! *edit* nvm... item sold out LG W2600H-PF for 375 shipped might've been worth considering
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    HP W2408H or Gateway FHD2400

    That monitor has gotten great reviews. I'd do a little digging in this forum, though. a little while ago (I think last week) there was a user here who was looking for alternatives to it because he said he didn't like it and returned his.
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    16:9 vs 16:10

    What size monitor are you looking at? a 16:10 monitor of any size will permit you more vertical space, so if the web-pages you tend to visit are long, there will be less scrolling. If you're looking at a 24" monitor, then a 16:10 display is wide enough to hold two full size word documents...
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    HP W2408H or Gateway FHD2400

    True, there are many TN panel based monitors, including the HP w2408h and LG W2452T, however they are all have different characteristics.
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    HP W2408H or Gateway FHD2400

    So there are hp w2408h monitors with different packaging?
  16. S

    24" LED backlit NON-TN for under a grand?

    Just to verify that - LED is not the end-all be-all for eliminating BLB. I have seen plenty of LED displays that still exhibit BLB.
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    HP W2408H or Gateway FHD2400

    You can drag the bible through feces, but it won't change that Cain murders Abel in Genesis 4:1-16. You can drop any book in feces, yet the contents won't change.
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    HP W2408H or Gateway FHD2400

    So, you're judging a monitor based on its packaging? I think someone said something about a book and its cover once...
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    Awesome gaming display(s)

    Yes, the source engine is pretty light on graphics hardware, so any differences between the two would be more exaggerated in framerates. On the flip side, 3DMARK 06 on a Pentium 4 3.2C and X800XT, good enough for you?
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    Awesome gaming display(s)

    To everyone who says stuff about dual monitors, I've run benchmarks (3dmark) on my dual monitors at home with both active, and only one active, and the difference between them is negligible. I ran the CS:S framerate test and the difference is not noticeable (~2-4 fps) sure it's not "ideal"...
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    HP W2408H, glossy=bad?

    the deal with glossy screens is that they are not mirrors, but will reflect a good deal of light, so it will be like a mirror to bright objects. My 2408h faces a wall, so it's not too bad, and I really like the image the monitor puts out.
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    I need a 24in lcd

    but I like looking at myself :) but in all seriousness, it's not that bad unless you have a spotlight behind you.
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    I need a 24in lcd

    Cool! I have that one! lol and while I defend my choice, i don't think there is a single "best" 24" lcd monitor
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    Good LCD's at Office Depot?

    every office depot has a different selection. The last one I went to had primarily Samsung TN screens and a few LG screens (again mostly TN) Goodluck finding some nonTNs at your local office depot
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    Best 24 inch LCD monitor for under $500?

    There really isn't too much bad about TN panels. I have one and, yes, if you lay on the floor the screen colors lose integrity, but other than that, I play counterstrike with my face 2-feet from the screen and it's fine, Command and conquer 3 looks great, and starcraft is still fun (hard not to...
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    Just a small question about dual screens

    are the monitors identical? If they're not, it could just be that the main screens are just newer and better than the older ones. Otherwise, they might be running at different settings or resolutions. finally, your school's computers could be running the main screen on DVI input and the...
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    My "Apology" of glossy coatings

    to each his own. i like glossy screens. Maybe I like looking at myself all the time and the more vivid colors. Maybe my roomate likes his matte screen. It's not like he shines a flashlight at me all day and mocks me or anything. Everyone will like what they want, geez. There's no use...
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    22 vs 24

    If you really want a good deal and don't mind shopping around, try going to smaller computer stores and seeing if they're trying to clear stock. I got my HP w2408h three weeks ago, new, for under 300$ :) I absolutely love it too :) w2408h owners, represent!! :) :) :)
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    Ok, more confused than ever... please help!

    I'm running an Nvidia Geforce Go7400/Intel GMA 945 and I have a 24" monitor running at 1920 x 1200 perfectly well. I'm sure your laptop will be able to support a 24" monitor! Plus, if you play any XBOX360, it'll look MUCH better on a monitor that it can go 1080P on! (even tho I hear most 360...
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    I'd just like to say

    and there's nothing wrong with me being perfectly satisfied with my TN panel
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    Monitor to LCDTV resolution...

    well... "cloning" is a direct reproduction of the source, so since the LCD TV is incapable of reaching the resolution of the monitor, the monitor has to downscale. I am not familiar with any way to use CCC to do what you want.
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    w2408 strange sounds

    I have not noticed any such sounds from my 2408 either
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    My "Apology" of glossy coatings

    I love my 2408! the HDMI thing I actually kinda like, since it uses the HDMI audio also, so when I hook up my roomate's PS3, it can use the monitor speakers! I'd rather have to get a DVI adapter than the other way around, since sound wouldn't work that way. plus, i like inserting my...
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    To go or not to go with 16:9

    if you can see the black bars, that means the image is not being stretched, so there is no quality loss. The only detriment will be that since an LCD cannot achieve "true black", it will kinda glow dark grey. @jcv - back at home I have two 1280x1024, pretty pwn. Maybe when I go home I'll...
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    Do you know of a 24" monitor which meets these specs?

    I recently purchased an HP w2408h monitor It has - glossy screen HDMI input Tilt/rotate 1920x1200 resolution But - Has a TN panel and does not have LED
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    To go or not to go with 16:9

    Y'know, I was thinking about the advantages of a 16:6 monitor. Specifically, the ability to watch two 4:3 videos at the same time when I get the urge to rewatch some stuff from several years ago :P Wow, I didn't know vegas was still in use! I switched over to premier a while back, but I...
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    To go or not to go with 16:9

    back to the discussion on 16:9.... I just got a 16:10 monitor and I am very happy with it. While I might feel a bit of buyers remorse when i watch some more modern media, there is still plenty of 4:3 media that I watch every now and then and I wonder how large the vertical bars on the sides...
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    VGA Connection for LCD

    make sure your video card drivers are up to date. other than that, some laptops just tend to have lower quality outputs than others. also, when outputting, you should do what you did first, which is the native resolution for the LCD screen for the best image. sadly, that's probably the best...
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    How Do I Run 3 Displays on 1 Computer

    No, my vote would be to go for a normal PCI video card first, if you have any free PCI slots and, use an Nvidia card. If you don't have any left, then try local stores or Amazon/other electronics stores/Ebay to find Nvidia PCI-E 1x cards, since apparently Newegg doesn't carry them. Only...
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    How Do I Run 3 Displays on 1 Computer

    Depends on the motherboard and integrated video chipset. Some can, while others have to be disabled to work with a card. All ones I've seen recently (in Hp workstations, 5750s,5800s etc) have been able to.