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  1. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Nothing about VRM temps :( Don't care if these are rating at 130, hitting 105+ all the time is going to reduce the lifetime of this card (and in turn should of at least been mentioned) Indeed
  2. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Yup, perhaps more frequent than 30 minutes though, good to see I'm not the only one :)
  3. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Quick question guys n gals, anyone else getting very slight flickers? Like for example a small line appearing in the Heaven benchmark for a split second? Hard to explain, but it happens in games aswell as benchmarks, stock clocks too, or is this just normal? (Could be I've just become too...
  4. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Seeing as many of you have voltage at .020 and gaining 1125mhz I must have the most lemon of cards you can get, mine defaults to 1150 with a droop to 1130. First ASUS card, last ASUS card I get. Should've waited for Saphire/Kepler :( You guys outside of Australia are lucky, getting a store to...
  5. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    1020? Is that a typo? Or undervoltage? Ref volts for the ASUS 7970 DCUII are 1130-1150 so you're not really pushing them, you're giving them a break :) Yeah it's a shame, but the mounting problem is only the 7950.
  6. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Wise choice, I'll be chucking mine up on ebay "IF" kepler turns out any better. This card is a joke and the driver problems are just icing on the cake... :( I like how they won't be releasing XP compatible drivers until April, nice one, now my XP partition with all my old games is useless (Just...
  7. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    *sets fan to 50%* My god that's loud, I'd prefer the 105c VRMs (higher ambient here so mine run at 34% at load to maintain that temp) All good if you game/etc with headphones though.
  8. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Yup, got to near 70% for me, 40-50% is nearly impossible to tolerate, let alone 70%. That plus the coil whine sent my cats scared up the curtains. :p
  9. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Well I can finally report on the Gigabyte Windforce 7970. Stay clear if you're an Aussie, I thought the ASUS was sub par, this takes the cake. The VRM are alot better getting to about 70-80 and sure the core doesn't get more than 70 as well, but good god, coil whine ahoy! and lets not mention...
  10. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Took me a while to find out as well, but we're both really silly as there's a picture explaining it on the back of the box. :p Basically its: Dual DVI Dual DVI DP DP DP - Or Dual DVI Single DVI DP DP DP DP Guess being the only 6 monitor capable card some...
  11. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    If yours has some VRM on the back but no cutout I'd suggest getting a thermal pad to put between them. That way you get the support and probably even better cooling. :D
  12. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    I'm going best of both worlds, Gigabyte Windforce on the reference PCB, thankfully stuff in Australia moves slow so they're still available before the gigabyte custom pcb came rolling out.
  13. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Well I've got a Gigabyte 7970 Windforce in the mail, Asus cards going to a mate who plans to watercool. So I'll be the second person to report on the two cards, see how they compare when it arrives.
  14. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Applied some MX4 instead of the stock, helped temps about 2-3 degrees, but I noticed some things when I had the heat sink off: Are the heat pipes supposed to have ends like that, every heat pipe cooler I've owned has had them squished on the end; not what looks to be a gaping hole. Also look...
  15. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    So far can't get passed 1200/1600 at any voltage. Excellent bit of info, thanks! I was thinking the same thing actually, keep us in the loop, because fan noise and temperatures are the things I'm most concerned about. I'm in Aus so I have high ambient temps, but it's still sad to see my card...
  16. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Well, so much for ASUS quality. 1300/1600 can't be stabilized with even 1.3v. 71.6 ASIC quality :(
  17. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Very true, I recognised the error of my above comment when I took the backplate off a few moments ago, I didn't read well enough and didn't realise my version doesn't even have any VRM on the back, silly me :P
  18. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Silly Asus, save the laser cutting and just add a .50c thermal strip :P
  19. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Huh, looks like I have the "old" version, I might just buy a little thermal strip and put that between the VRM and the backplate
  20. S

    Best drivers to use for BF3 w/ Reference 7970?

    Recently got an ASUS 7970, I can't speak for BF3 but Saints row and Skyrim are much better on RC11, and at least on RC11 the majority of tweak utilities work :P
  21. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Just a heads up, if you want to use the ASUS GPU Tweak with this card, make sure not to get the latest (and worse than RC11) 12.2 drivers from AMDs website. They have compatibility issues with tweak utilities and overall have horrible game performance (Saints row went from 30FPS in sunny areas...
  22. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Figured out my problem, make sure you don't download the suggested drivers from the website, it points you towards the horrible 12.2 when you should be grabbing RC11 (Google that and it'll get you a download link). After grabbing RC11 the GPU Tweak tool worked, but my god is it horrible, MSI...
  23. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Off to a great start, ASUS GPU Tweak crashes after I hit the shortcut!
  24. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    Mine was packaged and sent this very morning :D Hopefully the same story with yours! I can see it being $100-$150 cheaper, but from what I can tell aren't they sold out in the US? Not to mention it would take a lot longer to get to me, I'm a sucker for a quick delivery. :p Yup, got it from...
  25. S

    ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

    As an Aussie I would've killed to pay the price you are all crying over. Bare minimum without postage/surcharge over here is $769 dollars, I don't regret my purchase but all up I sunk $798 for one card. Can't wait to test it out on Tuesday.
  26. S

    New DFI Mini-ITX MI P55-T36

    True, but you would think a dual core would be able to get at least as much as your quad there, especially because they have the same 95w tdp. Ah well, its insanely fast as is, I don't really need to go higher, bit silly for DFI put such a limitation on the 661 and not the 750 though.
  27. S

    New DFI Mini-ITX MI P55-T36

    Ah, but what puzzles me is even with the old bios i was locked to 150 fsb, and i could be wrong, but in clunks review of the board with the bios revision that limited the fsb he said the i5's would have a maximum of 170 fsb
  28. S

    New DFI Mini-ITX MI P55-T36

    Just got this board myself, got it all set up, noticed i can't go any higher than 150bclk with my i5 661. After this heavy disappointment i noticed i have the bios from 2009-12-31, i quickly grab the current latest bios 2010-04-20 seeing all the awesome features like actually supporting the i5...