Search results

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    Logitech G19 LCDhost XML files?

    I ask of you my fellow [H]ard keyboard fiends, I have a lovely G19 and could use some .xml profile or layout files for LCDhost. I know some of you out there must have some nice customized ones.. any help is welcome! Or if you can point me to an archive? I've had no luck finding any.
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    Recommend VPN provider.

    I'd like to tap the knowledge of the people here at Hard OCP and the forum. I know that VPN Providers don't provide real anonymity and that such a thing is next to impossible to get. That being said I'd like to get some recommendations from you all on VPN providers you've all had good luck with...
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    Sleep mode or power off?

    I use a program to force my monitors into sleep mode myself, because I know it's better for the life of the monitor without the LCD Illuminating device to be running all the time. Plus it saves power, which is also good when you run six monitors. As for how it would effect CRT's, I would...
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    Google+ Invites Halted Due To 'Insane' Demand

    When you leave? Google already *has* most of your info. And this is merely a way to get more of it. What do you all think of this? What methods do you all use to keep Google from tracking you each and ever place you go? Do you feel this has positive uses? Please, tell me what you think...
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    6870 Multi-monitor question.

    Well I would be using 2 DVI ports on each card, then 1 display port on each card. My understanding is to add another monitor with either of the cards, they'll need to be Display port. Right?
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    6870 Multi-monitor question.

    If I am reading this correctly the 6870 AMD will be able to support up to four monitors on one card. I plan to replace my twin 5770's that are NOT in SLI with 6870's. My question is this. Right now my setup includes.. 2x 37' Westinghouse 1080p TV's. (These I will connect with single link...
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    strange internet issue on new pc

    You might also consider changing the power settings on the NIC card to not allow the computer to turn off the NIC Card to save power. That had been in an issue on a few thinkpads I've had over the last few years. - Urban Core.
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    Online Anonymity: Painful and Priceless

    People tend to consider that anonymity and privacy are the same thing. Privacy being a really new concept historically, it's one we've only in the last hundred or so years have had in any real measure. It's now possible to sit in my house, do my work from home, order all my groceries online...
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    ready boost?

    Readyboost is a solid technology for slower PC's . My theory is this, anything that boosts performance is a good thing. I use a 4 gig Cruiser stick in the back of my system and I just forget it's there, works nicely. Does it helps? I dunno, maybe only 1 percent. But that's a point I'll take...
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    8GB Feasibility (Gaming)

    I run eight gigs myself. Ehem, the cold hard facts. Windows 32 bit apps can't address more then 2 gigs of ram. Since I believe all games these days are 32 bit they can't take more then that due to the limitations of memory addressing space. So having more ram then 2 gigs theoretically will...
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    SSD Drive For Desktops

    Thought you might want to hear from some one who has a SSD. I recently built a new system and I picked a main system drive of a 32 gig SSD (OCZ Model) and I could not be happier. The choice is really one of price vrs storage. SSD's can't come close to competing with traditional platter based...
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    3.5 External Enclosure suggestion?

    Can anyone recommend a good external IDE/USB Enclosure to hold a LS120 Drive? It's a old Floppy-tech that also reads 120 meg Superdisks, don't ask.. I need it. I am trying to find an encloser that will run it externally. Any ideas?
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    Comcast updats AUP!!!!!

    Now that this new AUP is in effect let me ask you all something. How long will it be before comcast offers a "Extreme" user package that has unlimited downloads at 16/2 for more then what we had paying before? I wonder.. (smirk)
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    Running 2x 4870's, Crossfire Question.

    So then I can just use the two 4870's without Crossfire enabled correct? Then I should have two independent cards ans that should let me use all four monitors. Right?
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    Running 2x 4870's, Crossfire Question.

    Really, I read I could only drive 2 monitors when I had crossfire enabled. Where did you come across this info? Can you link me? I don't doubt you I just want to read up on the details. I am a major multi-monitor whore. :)
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    Running 2x 4870's, Crossfire Question.

    First off, Hi. New to the Forum. But I've been a long time lurker and reader. I am building a new box shortly, ASUS P5Q3 DELUXE, 8 gig of DDR3, but that is beside the point. I am getting a nice deal on twin 4870's but I want to run 4 monitors. Now I assume, but wish to check, that it is...