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  1. S

    [Complete] Sega Exodus - Old School is New Again

    The Sega CD was worth it for Sonic CD, but IMHO that was about it, haha. I have a Sega CDX. I don't think I'd be able to fit much into it if I tried this, not that I'd ever take it apart anyway... too near and dear. :)
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    Sceptre X20WC-Gamer

    Same as Wendig - I have one, but selling would depend upon the price.
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    Take A Look At Moon Guts

    I'm sorry, but can we use at least use proper grammar in news posts? Threads are one thing, but the front page of the site? :S
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    MSI Big Bang Trinergy Motherboard Preview @ [H]

    These mobo previews are great. Keep 'em coming!
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    Strong Humble Message to ATI and Nvidia.

    Wonder why.... :eek:
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    Cold Weather Overclocking!

    Those temps were right after startup. It ran Prime for about 10 minutes with no problems but I didn't thoroughly test it. Wasn't supposed to be a 24/7 OC anyway, just an experiment.
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    Cold Weather Overclocking!

    Gotta love 25 degree nights in Florida! As long as you're not growing oranges that is... Check out those core temps! How much higher have you guys taken your i5-750s?
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    OCZ Z Series: Z850 Power Supply Drawing @ [H]

    Count me in! Thanks!!!