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  1. K

    4870 1Gb memory option with non-reference cooler

    Hmm;i havent ever thought about this:)sometimes languages and grammar rules are mixed:)some german,some turkish;some english,some russian:D and using comma is a kinda habit:)may be i should use paragraphs instead of it:)
  2. K

    4870 1Gb memory option with non-reference cooler

    What is incoherent here?show me please:) if problem is language;i m not a native english speaker:)may be thats why i cant express my thoughts as well as i want. if problem is advice;4850 will be enough even for high res. Also i must add; hd4850 is 50 percent cheaper than hd4870.but hd 4870...
  3. K

    3800 X2 + 9800GTX; Bottleneck?

    i agree:)but it doesnt make a huge an example;i use an X2 5600@3 ghz with 4870 512mb+4 gb twinmos dd2 800 ram.and games run smooth like silk:)a friend of mine uses e6600 around 3 ghz with gtx 260.i couldnt see a huge performance difference between them. of course cpu bound games...
  4. K

    4870 1Gb memory option with non-reference cooler

    i made my own reckon as i buy my 4870.i use 512 mb version of it.i thought i could buy a 4850 as price/performance card and next summer to buy a new price/performance card instead of buying a 4870 512 mb standart:) later i thought i needed a strong card for rendering and bought a 4870.if you...
  5. K

    X1950XTX problem

    i dont think that the problem is with vga.have you ever tried to reset the bios?i guess if your mobo had free crash bios you wouldnt suffer coz of such a problem:)
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    45nm Phenom review

    Yes i m hopeful for this.a few days ago there was an Amd presentation in europe;serbia:)and i tell what they told more;no less... also i m not a fanboy:)i just support competition.and we all should accept that we owe too much to amd as last prices were too high when amd...
  7. K

    Forceware X 177.89 - Open GL 3.0 - Siggraph 2008 (8/13/08)

    Thank you mate.this makes my mind too busy fow a while.i planned to buy a gtx 260 or a 4870.but my final decision was 4870 and i bought it.but i still have chance to give it back and take a gtx 260. if these drivers could seriously improve the rendering performance of the card;i would buy...
  8. K

    Forceware X 177.89 - Open GL 3.0 - Siggraph 2008 (8/13/08)

    i wonder will this GL 3 improve the rendering performance of Nvidia cards?
  9. K

    45nm Phenom review

    i dont expect incredible speeds by will integrate the memory controller to the cpu which amd did long ago...for this reason;i think they will be neck to neck for a while.but of course we know the strategy of the amd.they will not make extreme cpu anymore...thats why we should...
  10. K

    Is HT limiting me? (1GHZ HT vs. 2.6HT)

    so is it useless to advance a new mobo ?:)
  11. K

    45nm Phenom review

    as far as i know these processors will come at the 4. quarter of the patients mates;Deneb is coming:D and they say 4+ ghz speeds with air stock cooling is not dream with deneb:)
  12. K

    New Video Card

    i would buy 8800GT.but stay far from 8800gs models.they arent same:)
  13. K

    Is HT limiting me? (1GHZ HT vs. 2.6HT)

    i m using an nf560 mainboard and it supports phenoms.but i didnt buy a new q.core.i thought it was a waste of money to use a new phenom with this board.Deneb will come at 4. quarter of the year;and then i m gonna buy a new 45 mm q.core amd cpu:) if i were you i would change the board.i m sure...
  14. K little to spend to get noticable improvement over 2.7GHz Opteron?

    i used an opty 185 with a8n sli deluxe mainboard.+a-data vitesta ddr 500mhz memories:)it was good enough for me to play Assasin's Creed with sapphire 3870 ddr4 toxic at max details:)i think we shouldnt take notice of crysis anymore:)we all know that it is an nvidia optimised game and cryengine...
  15. K

    Best Card for 1280x1024?

    They would be able to run anything now and in future without a worry to upgrade???for this reason they arent perfect right?:)) i think we arent talking about the same thing.these manufacturers should make money to give us better cards.and we need development to reach better...we call this as...
  16. K

    9600 GT running too slow

    there are 2 things holding your vga of them is powersupply.a 3850 cant work stable with a 300W psu as it is a very nice card about power needs 350W psu. but a 9600gt needs nevertheless a 400W psu dear friend.and also the amper values are as important as watt values.if...
  17. K

    3800 X2 + 9800GTX; Bottleneck?

    it will depend on the resolution you will use the card.the 9800gtx is similar with is below the ati 4850.i think it will cause a little trouble to the way;i have just looked up your system and saw that you use a 24'' monitor.i think it will not be very obvious even if it...
  18. K

    HD 4870 running at PCI-E 2.0 x8? O_o

    i m using my 4870 with a pci-e 1 motherboard:)and there is no difference between 2.0:)pci-e 2.0 is needed for high resolutions;slı-cf the way;i m using a 19'' 1280*1024 samsung 932b+:D
  19. K

    Does AMD have an answer to Nehalem?

    in these days;amd had a presentation in Serbia.and they say new 45 nm cpu can be overclocked up to 4 ghz(+) speeds with stock fan:)and what will happen with henalem to intel?will they be able to offer us high speed cpu s after integrating the memory controller in to cpu? this is will be a...
  20. K

    Best Card for 1280x1024?

    i have 19'' 1280*1024 monitor and today i bought a 4870:)i compared it with my friend's gtx and noticed that the bottleneck problem is not run smooth like silk:)maximising the aa and af will make your cpu take a breath if you use an old dual core.i use a X2 5600 @3ghz and i dont...
  21. K

    Crysis, TF2, and Call of Juarez

    i think that cpu is enough for the system if you overclock it to 3 ghz+ in that resolution;a 4870 would be better than a 4850:)4870 is more expensive than 4850.but i assure you that it will worth to buy it for that resolution:) as for me 28'' lcd is huge and not suitable for gaming:)you will...
  22. K

    Geforce 6200 256, 6800XE 256, or FX5500?

    if i were you i would take Geforce 6800XE 256mb:)fx 5500 is very old and the performance of gf fx series was very poor...:D i dont even say 6200...6800XE is certainly better than it:) but if you can find;6600GT would be the best i guess:)
  23. K

    which one do you advice me to buy?

    i thank both of you for your answers. i used to think the same thing with ''screwball'' about ati cards' cad performance.but the link ''Sixthsense'' gave made me change my idea. as far as i remember there was a unit in gf8 series assigned for these kinf of jobs;this was the main thing made...
  24. K

    which one do you advice me to buy?

    Greetings Gentelmen; this is my first message to this board as a new member.i greet you all:) i need advice and would be happy if you help me. i study engineering and sometimes i have to use autocad,solidworks and some other 3d map softwares.also i m a good gamer:) the matter is that i...