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  1. E

    Case Turbulance

    I saw a review on YouTube of the Antec 300. The fans that come with the case are 4 pin. So I simply need to get 3 pin extenders. Thanks for your help!
  2. E

    Case Turbulance

    I'm not entirely sure. From the looks of the pictures on Newegg, it looks like it has a 3 pin and a 4 pin connector. Assuming I only have to use one of the two connectors, I should be able to get an extension 3 pin? EDIT: I take that back. Its a 4 pin. The other thing I see is the speed...
  3. E

    Case Turbulance

    I have another question. My motherboard(Asus P5Q Pro) has only one fan connector for the front(has two for the rear). How will I power the second fan? Its hard for me to figure this out because I can't see what connectors my PSU has and what connectors the fan needs. EDIT: Should I get...
  4. E

    Case Turbulance

    Yea, I was pondering this while I was trying to fall asleep(Usually the best time to solve problems) and I came to the same conclusion. I'm going to have two exhaust fans, along with the the GPU and the PSU all blowing air out of the case. The side panel of the case is perforated, so air can...
  5. E

    Case Turbulance

    I'm planning on building a new computer with the Antec 300 case. That case, if you don't know, has one rear exhaust fan, and a top exhaust fan along with two fans in the front. My dad has been telling me about being careful with fans because too many intake fans could create turbulence in the...
  6. E

    Best way to remove case grill?

    I didn't realize the comb caused noise?
  7. E

    My 4870 has arrived: Picture, overclocking/benching soon!

    Sweetness dude. Pix and benches plz
  8. E

    Koss SB-45 I have bought several pairs of $20(Usually GE) headsets form various stores like Target, and they always stop working within a few months. I'm hoping I'll be able to spend ~$30 on a headset and have it last a good while. How...
  9. E

    My upcoming build

    Looks good. Thanks for the tips.
  10. E

    My upcoming build

    Do I really need a 750W PSU? How about this Rosewill RP550V2-D-SL L 550W
  11. E

    My upcoming build

    Hey all, I'm building a new machine for the first time to replace my 5 year old one. Current Machine: Pentium 4 Hyper Threaded 3Ghz Radeon 9600 / 9700 PRO 1 Gig of Ram 80Gig HDD New Build: CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3Ghz 1333MHz FSB Mobo - MSI P45 Neo3-FR GPU - Radeon HD 4870...