Search results

  1. G

    HELP!!! Looking for Simpson Wallpaper....

    customj...... THANK YOU!!! thats awesome. :cool: I looked and looked.... simpson river.... ill have to look some more for one without watermark. Again... THANK YOU!!! And to anyone else that looked for me I thank you also.
  2. G

    Post your workstation 2008 !

    hey 86DRIFTER, ice cream belongs in the freezer! LOL.
  3. G

    HELP!!! Looking for Simpson Wallpaper....

    I saw this about a month ago and I just spent 30 mins looking and google'n for it! Its a Simpsons style Saturday in the Park with Friends pic. I cant find it. I want to make a pic for my computer room wall using Any help will be highly appreciated! Thanks in...
  4. G

    Post your workstation 2008 !

    YES!! it gets very warm... nothing a fan and open windows can't handle (but considering a/c for the window very soon). In the winter its nice. :cool:
  5. G

    Post your workstation 2008 !

    Nothing too special. Just a basic computer with a window. Buying a house was more important than a new computer. I did get a computer room .... I think I can live with that.