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  1. Z

    Unlocking X2 555

    you should get the Asus m4a89gtd pro/usb3.. the board is great with lots of useful features
  2. Z

    Capcom and EA claim PCs are better....

    yeah well... Street fighter IV for PC is gonna rock
  3. Z

    I'm looking for a MMORPG

    Try tibia.. the game has been around for 10 yrs +??
  4. Z

    Best Multilpayer games for all consoles?

    left for dead for sure
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    Mp3 player thread - the best.

    120 Zune is a good option
  6. Z

    Looking for Partitioning software

    partition magic should work just use the demo
  7. Z

    *Click*...*Click*...*Click* sound coming from hard drive

    my drive also went dead from this clicking sound is there a way to recover the data??
  8. Z

    Windows sever 2008

    should I run my home pc with Win server 2008? I am just going to use it as an OS, not for gaming .. or is it better to stick with vista/XP?