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  1. L

    First Google Chrome OS Screenshots Leaked?

    Apparently, it's real. So says Tom's Hardware source. Check it out. They've even listed some of the manufacturers who are interested.,8215.html "Google’s Sundar Pichai wrote in the company’s blog that the list of companies...
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    Latching Sata Cables FTW!

    *I was already used to the old style and had problems* Had no problems.
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    Latching Sata Cables FTW!

    Sorry Kyle, not a fan of the cables. I bought a mobo for someone which had those cables and had several plugged in. I was already used to the old style and had problems. I tried to remove the middle one and broke off the SATA socket off the mobo. With the old style, I've had one cable that...
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    BenQ V2400W User Reviews @ [H]Forum

    My wife, 3yr old and I play lots of games on our computer. We can't afford a larger or newer monitor because my son as an affection for computers and would probably ruin it. I think i would be a good candidate because I could examine it from a gamers point of view, my son from a destructive and...
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    Ballmer: You Want XP, We'll Keep XP

    Good idea should save you a lot of time retraining everyone if the most computer competent are able to teach the others while saving you the headache.
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    Ballmer: You Want XP, We'll Keep XP

    Good for you. I wouldn't either. Wait till someone is ready to move on to it. Companies are working on updated versions of their programs all the time. It should be a lot less trouble with the updated format that Vista now has. I guess the abbreviated setup they came out with for covering the...
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    Ballmer: You Want XP, We'll Keep XP

    Except it's not natively written for mulit-core. And it still won't ever have Direct x 10. And with that lots of people will bitch that they gotta go buy Vista to play a game in the next two years because no one will want to use Direct X 9 architecture with the effeciency of sending graphic data...
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    Sony Delays PlayStation Home Again

    I remember back on Nintendo 64, Goldeneye was pushed back a full year after the movie came out. Even though it was delayed for so long, it was found to be one of the greatest games of it's time. Home, in relation I'd say, is pretty much a game too. Unfortunately, this may have been one of...
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    Upgrading my lappy!!

    Heres the link for the drivers for my laptop and it shows a catch-all bios for all intel-based computers. So the bios wouldn't limit it right?
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    Upgrading my lappy!!

    I agree with kirbyrj. I had a turion acer laptop and I peaked at the processor on that guy. It doesn't seem like they would solder it on. As for the bios, I might be able to look up information about it.
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    Upgrading my lappy!!

    Hi all. I got a new laptop by HP seen here and it's got everything I wanted except the faster processor. I figured I could upgrade my processor when I wanted to and save money doing it this way. It's got a mainstream gpu w/ 512mb dedicated memory, 320gb between the two satas, tv tuner with...