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  1. J

    1st look on asus P5K-VM: G33 matx board

    I had researched in advance and there seems to be power/boot-up issues regarding this board. Yep. Sure is. After struggling with this issue for a couple of months and being stuffed around and patronised by ASUS I asked for a refund. (Btw, I tried the very latest bios update before it's...
  2. J

    GA-G33M-DS2R for E2200?

    Regards TWO515TY. I have a Gainward 8600GT 512m DDR3 silentfx: It has a good reputation. I'm running the latest bios 0803 build march25/08, which I notice isn't even available on their site yet- I got it from ASUS : "...
  3. J

    GA-G33M-DS2R for E2200?

    If that what cold boot means, yes. 95% of the time. With no OC too. Of course I'm saving my settings. Ok, I'll try the multiplyer at 10.
  4. J

    GA-G33M-DS2R for E2200?

    Well, that's just it! I don't get any change in the clock speed or in the fsb numbers. CPU-Z still reports CPU at 200, fsb at 800, clock at 2200mhz, ram at 200 4-4-4-12- no matter how I set the fsb in bios
  5. J

    GA-G33M-DS2R for E2200?

    @ dyesan :ha ha "double boots" seems a polite way of putting it-especially in my case, once it's going it seems fine, just takes 10-30 mins of resetting/switching-on-and -off, to get there though. I'm primarily building a media centre with the capacity to play games in 720p. It needs to be able...
  6. J

    GA-G33M-DS2R for E2200?

    Oh yeah, the E2200 has 11x multiplier- not that I'm really sure what that means, please excuse my noobishness. I'll have to visit Wikipedia or some such.
  7. J

    GA-G33M-DS2R for E2200?

    I'm really glad I found this forum, thanks for your comments. So you're saying that the P5E-VM HDMI will outclock the Gigabyte GA-G33M-DS2R mobo using a E2200 and DDR2 667?
  8. J

    GA-G33M-DS2R for E2200?

    Thanks for replying btw. I can't keep the retailer waiting too long for a decision unless ABIT or Gigabyte ship new boards over to Australia in the next fortnight. From what I can read on these forums the GA-G33M-DS2R has a great reputation for reliability and for ASUS it's a bit of a case of...
  9. J

    GA-G33M-DS2R for E2200?

    I have to say that I didn't notice a 1:1 fix for the P5K-VM either. Yes, E2200 is 800fsb but I understood that 1:1 business is about DDR2 800 ram not 667. Are the new boards from ABIT and Gigabyte G35s? That's still graphic power I don't need, isn't it?.
  10. J

    GA-G33M-DS2R for E2200?

    Why Leman? I know the ASUS P5E-VM is sexy black but aren't I paying for graphic power I don't need? Plus I've seen the same problems with reliability with this board that I've got with that P5K-VM, namely no POST 90% of the time just fans spinning.
  11. J

    GA-G33M-DS2R for E2200?

    Hi, I'm thinking of buying the Gigabyte GA-G33M-DS2R mobo- would anyone recommend it? I'm returning an ASUS P5K-VM because of unreliability. Has the 1:1 ratio issue been settled with a bios upgrade yet? Is there much difference between the G33 and G35 chipsets in overclocking, if at all...
  12. J

    [H]ard Sff Club

    @pharoah: I have the exact same case, it's a beauty. What have you got in it?
  13. J


    Hi, I'm thinking of buying this mobo- would anyone recommend it? I'm returning an ASUS P5K-VM because of unreliability. Has the 1:1 ratio issue been settled with a bios upgrade yet? Is there much difference between the G33 and G35 chipsets in overclocking, if at all. I have an E2200 @...
  14. J

    Asus P5E-VM HDMI: best matx ever?

    Fair enough Skott- but it's the same weird non-posting problem (latest bios btw)
  15. J

    I need a mATX with...

    I've had nothing but trouble with my P5K-VM.
  16. J

    Asus P5E-VM HDMI: best matx ever?

    Also, I'm trying to build a nice media centre type system and I NEED a computer that will start up for scheduled HDTV recording and NOT one where I have to punch reset for twenty mins first then be told I have an overclocking error WHEN THERE IS NO (&*%(^$*(*&ING O/C.
  17. J

    Asus P5E-VM HDMI: best matx ever?

    I think it's a problem with the ASUS mATX boards, why, because it's happening with my new P5K-VM board with a E2200 and GAINWARD 8600GT! I've been all over the forums including ASUS' and seen the same problem. Again and again people give different reasons/excuses but IT'S THE SAME THING. It's...