Search results

  1. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Did not get in on that deal - but managed a pretty good one on a clearance... The slimline is great - but as Archaea has mentioned - pushing these little boxes beyond there limits carries a fair amount of risk... FSX is the only intensive app that I run - CPU and memory intensive - but you can...
  2. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Ahh – appreciate and understand the dedication to the fine slimline! I still won’t be getting rid of mine – my study is quite small and it will work well as an excellent desktop productivity machine. As far as the main media machine connected to a large LCD – it has done...
  3. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Agree with the Shuttle parts being overpriced – but like old Sun Microsystems sbus gear – there is one part available and quality, compatibility and fit are pretty much guaranteed. If I source these parts out myself – I will certainly wait for a sale or a better price from...
  4. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I'll update the post again next weekend if there are no takers for the full package. Really do prefer the package deal to avoid making 5 or 6 trips to the post office :) ... just don't have what it takes to be an ebay powerseller! Enjoy the new camera!!!! Ahh.. one other deal is possible...
  5. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I decided to go with one of the late model Shuttles for a main media machine – not giving up on the slimline though – will use it as a desktop in the standard config that it came with. I originally had a dual core slimline – but it was completely replaced by a quad by HP on a warrantee issue. I...
  6. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Has anyone installed the Galaxy 9600GT LP LP yet? Saw a few mentions of it in the thread – but did not see any install reports. I am curious if it will fit without removing the media tray. I...
  7. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Ran ntune monitor again with the system at complete idle – this is a s3120n with a BE-2400 processor and no PCIe graphics card installed. Left the system idling and the temp of the integrated GPU/chipset rose to 91 degrees within an hour. Just got off the phone with HP Support and they have...
  8. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    That’s for comments. That does seem in line with the HP recall on the chipset. I have not called HP yet – but I did read through the notification when it first came out and just reviewed it again. Do you know anyone who has been successful with a claim? The symptoms they specifiy are “may not...
  9. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Have a s3120n and installed the 45 watt BE-2400 CPU. Core temps at load are around low 40’s (idle around mid-20’s) – although there is a 5 degree difference between the cores. Installed an HP (asus) 9500GS that I bought off of someone who was upgrading their later model slimline. Figured that...
  10. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Thanks again .. running prime95 - temp on cpu0 maxed out at 46 and 41 with cpu1. Seems to average that 5 degree diff under load. That seems to be acceptable. Will recheck the mounting of the heat sink and if the 10degree diff at idle persists - might just redo the whole job - might have used a...
  11. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Just installed the BE-2400 in my s3120n. Used arctic silver 5 as per the instructions on their site. Dramatic drop in core temp compared with the 4200+ that was stock. One item of concern though - the two cores register a difference in temp of 8 to 10 degrees c. At idle - CPU 0 is at 33 and CPU...
  12. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Archaea – Thank-you. Glad you are around to point out such details!!!!! I would not have known to check that and would have wasted $ on this…. Cheers!
  13. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Based on the part number – the manufacture is certainly FSP (that was tough to figure out! :)). I could not find the product on the FSP site though. Looking on the sparkle site I do not see the exact part number – but it appears to be based on the FSP-200-50PLA that they re-brand. There is a pdf...
  14. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Did a quick search of the thread for any comments on this PSU and did not see any. I came across the following 200watt unit that claims to be made for the slimlines: It lists multiple compatible models...
  15. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Just got my BE-2400 CPU (OEM) and will swap out the stock CPU on my s3120n. I assumed that I will need to reuse the same heatsink/fan given the dimensions of the case and the unit itself. Isopropyl Alcohol and coffee filter is commonly recommended for cleaning up the old thermal paste. I...
  16. M

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    I have a stock s3120n slimline – this has the standard HematiteXL-GL8E MB and a 160Watt power supply. I have just purchased a 9500GS that someone took out of a S3530F. I took a look at the specs of the S3530F – and it also ships with the standard 160watt power supply. What I found surprising was...