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  1. I

    How does the current crisis impact boutique builders?

    The consumer is going to be unemployeed soon.
  2. I

    AMD only have 3 more quarters left

    without another capital injection.
  3. I

    Intel's gonna win!

    How would I build a CPU that would interoperate with socket 1366? How would I build a chipset that would interoperate with Nehalem? How would I build a CPU that would interoperate with the "X86 platform"? This is where the EU is going. And they will save us from the Intel monopoly after...
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    Intel's gonna win!

    interoperability with X86 means opening it up my friend. MS was all about setting the precedence. Intel is about executing on that precedence.
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    Intel's gonna win!

    Monopoly does not always lead to higher prices. In fact monopoly are simply the most efficient form of organization. They lower the cost for a sector significantly. It is only when the monopoly is capable of exploiting that monopoly to raise profit when monopoly becomes a problem. In...
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    Intel's gonna win!

    Actually, monopoly can lead to lower prices. Especially when the monopoly competes with itself for future sales. See Microsoft for a great example, despite what many people thinks, software prices are far lower in every market that Microsoft entered into, and they stayed that way even after a...
  7. I

    Intel's gonna win!

    Intel monopoly will lead to even lower prices. Intel's cpu are so fast that no one needs to upgrade anymore, so they have to come up with even faster and/or lower priced cpu to keep on selling them and stay in business. :)