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  1. S

    1st look on asus P5K-VM: G33 matx board

    Nah, still not solved. I'm going to buy something else.
  2. S

    1st look on asus P5K-VM: G33 matx board

    Okay, I think I've found the problem. The system powering itself ON/OFF/ON when booting means "overclocking failed". Also the GPU fan is spinning 100%. Overclocking what? My systems is unoverclocked, stock. I've tested some cases with the RAM. I use CRUCIAL Ballistix 2x1GB PC6400...
  3. S

    1st look on asus P5K-VM: G33 matx board

    ARGH, this board is killing me :confused: The damn thing doesn't want to cold boot when: * MSI 7900GTO installed at PCI-E 16x slot * <<Initiate Graphic Adapter>> set to [PEG/IGD] (or [PEG/PCI], doesn't matter) * <<Internal Graphics Mode Select>> set to [Disabled] I can reproduce the cold boot...
  4. S

    1st look on asus P5K-VM: G33 matx board

    I can confirm it works fine @ standard DDR2 voltage 1.8V :) The wolfdale CPU's aren't listed in the P5K-VM CPU-support list. I installed an E8200 with the latest BIOS update (0602) and it works fine, the board even recognizes it without an error :) Some issues: * the heatsink on the G33...