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  1. R


    he he he i realised that exact same thing yesterday, just after i posted. i guess i was thinking that the HMDI had a better quality output than the DVI. but they are both digital outputs, so both the same. im sure i'll just end up using the DVI and being very happy with the quality. im...
  2. R


    ok, so i do need a new ATI card. would this work?..... plug in a new ATI card and connect that to the DVI port on the tv, and connect the HDMI from the MoBo to the HDMI on the tv. if i want to run movies, use the HDMI channel, for games use the DVI channel i suppose if the card i got had...
  3. R


    hey all. some good info on here, i hope there is someone that can help me out.... i have a few questions about surroundview. does it have to be an ATI card? i have a 6800GT that i could put in, if it worked. when a card is plugged in, does the output from the HDMI also get the increase...