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  1. B

    Smallish mixer to unify sound output

    Right now I have at least three computers and an xbox 360 hooked up at my desk. The issue I am running in to is getting the audio from all of theses devices to play through a single set of headphones. I am currently "daisy chaining" devices using line-in jacks a 3.5mm patch cables but this is...
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    Starcraft 2 Beta Friend Invites

    I would like a key as well if anyone is feeling generous. If you have a toon on us-gorefiend on wow I'll throw you a few thousand gold LOL.
  3. B

    Suggest a laptop style keyboard please

    I am typing this from the IBM Model M vintage 1995 that I purchased at a flea market two weeks ago. Let me tell you, it is a very nice typing experience. That said, it is not laptop like in the least. The keys require a pretty good amount of force but they do have good feedback both when the...
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    Green pixels & delta's in ATI tool with XFX 5870

    I just installed my new XFX 5870 and am in the process of reinstalling software after a reformat. I left World of Warcraft installing and went to watch TV for ~30 minutes. When I came back, there were green pixels interspersed throughout the screen. In an effort do diagnose I downloaded ATItool...
  5. B

    Methods for traffic shaping

    My home connection is a 3Mbps/256kbps line. Each of my family members has a laptop and they are all fairly obsessed with social networking sites. All it takes is for one of them to load up facebook or myspace and my ping in CSS or whatever I happen to be playing rockets to ~300 resulting in my...
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    Question on dual lan motherboard. Can i plug something into it to get internet?

    Yes look up ethernet bridging. In windows xp you select both interfaces in your network settings window, I think thats what its called anyway, and right click on one of them. You select bridge interfaces. A new virtual network bridge interface will be connected and you should be able to...
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    Auzentech prelude combining microphone and line in

    I have a Linux box set up and I figured the easiest way to get audio from it into my headphones would be to run a 3.5mm patch cable from the speaker port on it into the line in on my gaming machine that my headphones are attached to. For whatever reason I have to turn the "microphone" slider...
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    Play Warhammer on my Phone?

    previous post makes a good point. The most likely reason for mouse clicks and such not working is because warhammer screws around with the sendInput() windows API call. I'm fairly certain this is what remote desktop uses to send inputs to the machine you are connected to. I believe they do...