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  1. T

    Gigabyte P965-P35 X38 overclocking and BIOS tweaking Guide

    :( No go Bill, does not seem to work. I disassembled everything, and put it back, no go. I darn well think its the motherboard man, it was refurb buy from ncix, ebay outlet. The memmory seems to clock as per the bios settings, its just the CPU settings that dont clock, and when I...
  2. T

    Gigabyte P965-P35 X38 overclocking and BIOS tweaking Guide

    Thanks for your help guys, really appreciate it, hope we can figure this out If you monitor will "come back to life" quick enough you might be able to see the first boot line that should say the cpu and the speed. Probally not. Yes bill, I can see the cpu clock and the multiplier also for...
  3. T

    Gigabyte P965-P35 X38 overclocking and BIOS tweaking Guide

    If still somthing wrong post back. major strange, it has got to be something simple and I just cant think of it at the moment. Thanks bill, for trying to help me out. If theres someone who can get this thing figured out, it has to be you. EIST was diabled right from the start itself, i had...
  4. T

    Gigabyte P965-P35 X38 overclocking and BIOS tweaking Guide

    I will try that JP, and even on my easy tune 5, the overclocking option is greyed out. UPDATE: No go JP, orthos running right now, upped the clock from 266mhz to 320, which automatically took the ram up to 920 or 970 I think, so I loosened the memory timing to 5,5,5,12 and gave it 0.2V extra...
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    Gigabyte P965-P35 X38 overclocking and BIOS tweaking Guide

    Hey guys, where do I start? I usually try do all research first and then come and ask stupid questions, though I really think that this issue is more complicated and is just not something that you can google and find the answer too, hence I turned to this site for some answers. I recently...