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  1. B

    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    So, I think I've been having the same overheating problems that have been described in the last few pages of this thread. Really really disappointing. Can anyone tell me how to take this mother apart?
  2. B

    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    A couple days ago I got my monitor (which I ordered from despite various warnings). So far it seems it's okay. There's a single dead pixel just a little off the center of the screen, but fortunately it's hard to see when there's motion on screen (since I'm just using it for gaming and...
  3. B

    Acer 24" LCD...banding in 1080p with PS3

    Okay, so the plot thickens... Today I get this Blu-ray movie (figured I'd better own at least one, now that I've got a player). Seeing as my PS3 is in 720p still (those lines haven't gone away, and I haven't gotten my new cable), that's what I watch it in. Then I turn on 1080p on my PS3...
  4. B

    Acer 24" LCD...banding in 1080p with PS3

    Okay, so I just got a brand new Acer X241WSD 24" LCD from ( It is listed as having a max resolution of 1920x1200 (meaning it can do 1080p). I intend to use this to play games on my new Playstation 3. I've done all the...