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  1. S

    vps question

    anybody running their webpage on vps ? any recommendations ?
  2. S

    Retail Edge 2007!

    pls pm me re : price thx
  3. S

    Retail Edge 2007!

    anybody selling theirs ? pm me thx
  4. S

    Retail Edge 2007!

    those selling pls pm me . thanks
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    Retail Edge 2007!

    pls offer thru pm . thanks
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    Retail Edge 2007!

    so better to wait ?
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    Retail Edge 2007!

    45mm debuts with Q9350 @ $266 @ q9450 @ $316 in early 2008, most likely jan. with that prices how much do you guys think the q6600 will be worth then ? $200 ?
  8. S

    Retail Edge 2007!

    anybody selling theirs? pls pm me thanks im interested
  9. S

    Retail Edge 2007!

    anybody intending to sell off theirs ? im upgrading from a single processor amd :D heard intel better at multi cores.