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  1. X

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Anyone else going to make vids of their everex to show off ur setup and maybe give some people some ideas , also can u send me a link to those seagate hd's plz thnx.
  2. X

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Very nice man, to bad no sound though but that doesnt matter cant wait to get my $817 for this beast, thnx alot.
  3. X

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Dont mind this was a mess up.
  4. X

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    I would like to see the computer runnng a game of any kind dont matter, also all the sides, bottom, top, and of course the notebook open. I will be paying u by giving u ups on ur lappy.
  5. X

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Will someone make a vid of the xt5000t plz I would really appreciate it, thnx ahead :D
  6. X

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Hi fellas I've read every page of the everex xt5000t and I must say u guys are putting a very good impression on this notebook, besides the heating and keyboard there is really no problems with this beautiful machine. I would like to thank everyone who posted on this forum whether is was a...