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  1. S

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Thanks for your reply Unknown-One. I followed your instructions but to no avail: after I removed the Atheros Card the exact same problem represented itself over and over. Maybe I have a failure of the Nvidia display card? I don't know what to do... I have the original Bios by the way if...
  2. S

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    I tried it but it didn't work... It seems the Fujitsu notebooks are excluded, and the Everex one I think is the same as the Fujitsu in Europe. I never had any problem until like 5 days ago, all of a sudden i had a blue screen, i tried to reload but i'm having those blue stripes followed by...
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    Everex StepNote XT5000T vs HP Pavilion DV9220

    ok thanks... In Canada it costs about 1250 CND$, comprising shipping and taxes, which is probably about 1100 US$ or so. Why does Canada sucks so much??? I need a desktop replacement and don't care about size and weight, but I also need a computer that can last for 4 years... with the crappy...
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    Everex StepNote XT5000T vs HP Pavilion DV9220

    i've read some online reviews of the HP, and they are not very good... they mostly say that there are sofwtare issues with Vista, since these computers were built for XP media center and they just switched to Vista but many components do not work properly... they also say that the HP costumer...
  5. S

    Everex StepNote XT5000T vs HP Pavilion DV9220

    Hello I need a desktop replacement laptop not too expensive (around 1000 US $); I'm undecided between the Everex StepNote XT5000T found here and some other deals that I may find...