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  1. D

    Bought TFT central z2440 review

    I am not aware of details to internal signal processing within the monitor. They may use several DSPs to process the signal in several steps or they may offer an all-in-one-chip that does all steps at once or in multiple turns. My studies focused on the result not the reason. As far as I know...
  2. D

    Bought TFT central z2440 review

    Yes. The minimum possible Lag is very close to 0 ms. At least it is smaller than 1ms. The minimum processing that has to be done is on a single-pixel-basis: - Taking the sent 10 bit TMDS signal that represents 1 color component and decrypt it to the 8 bit color value. - applying the...
  3. D

    Bought TFT central z2440 review

    These "questions" are absurd as they imply that only oscilloscope measurements would be useable and these measurement would be automatically perfect. Both assumptions are not correct. Propositional logic tells us that false assumptions lead to true answers, no matter how ridiculous they are. So...
  4. D

    Bought TFT central z2440 review

    :) Thanks for reading. One of the goals of the initial report about input lag was to whipe wrong assumptions and misunderstandings concerning the "input lag" issue. The linked article is a rather poor translation from the German original. Sorry for that. I could sum up my last posting like...
  5. D

    Bought TFT central z2440 review

    Hi! I am the developer of SMTT and SMTT 2.0. SMTT 2.0 is not "the same as v1", it has some remarkable improvements (see chart below). SMTT Website: Both versions require V-sync to be disabled. Please read the articles that describe why it is necessary to disable...