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  1. T

    SSD Swap file question -- keep it all on one drive?

    Thanks, Joe. You mentioned something about TWO paging files, one on each disk? I've never heard of that before-- always thought it was one file and one file only. Maybe I read your reply wrong?
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    SSD Swap file question -- keep it all on one drive?

    I was thinking of moving to a SSD for my gaming system, but this raises a question I have about performance. With an SSD, is there any performance advantage to placing the swap file on a different disk? My Windows XP configuration includes a 2 hard disks-- one for the OS and applications...
  3. T

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    Actually, I had it shipped to my office, since I didn't want my new treasure sitting out on my doorstep until I got home. Brought in a LOT of comments, even our CEO came in and joked "I hope you didn't use your company card for this." When I told him about the Costco sale, he was pretty amazed...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    On day 4 and this thing is great! The lady's like a man with a big one! :p Posted in another forum, but appreciated more here.
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    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    On day 4 and this thing is great! :) The lady's like a man with a big one! (Pay no mind to the man on the LCD-- he's a jerk.)
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    Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display $799 at Costco

    Yeah, that's what I tried to do. When I ordered it from Conn's, during the purchase process they give you the opportunity to specify "for in store pick up" but that wasn't an option from Of course, Conn's called me back later and said they were out of stock for my area (Dallas/Fort...
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    WTB - 1gb or 512mb PC2100 Laptop Memory

    Need some for my wife's older Compaq nx9010. This system will not accept any RAM faster than PC2100. Give me shout with your asking price!
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    Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display $799 at Costco

    Sub-$900? That's got to be some sort of price record.
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    Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display $799 at Costco

    Posted this alert in another thread, but since the sale time is limited I wanted to make sure folks eyeing this model but undecided were aware. No, I don't work for Costco :p ======================= Wow-- I don't know what was up with the Westinghouse rep I talked to when he...
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    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    LOL OK, seems I was a little late with this information. :rolleyes:
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    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    ;) Wow-- I don't know what was up with the Westinghouse rep I talked to when he told me this line was discontinued. Since both Conn's, Best Buy, and New Egg are are out of stock, I was getting panicky, believing this information. Seems like I (thankfully) was wrong. Costco now has these...
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    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    DOH! I thought htis was the desktop forum, my bad.
  13. T

    What is the BEST DESK to use with a Westinghouse 37" LCD?

    Kat, That would certainly give you enough room, but I was looking for something... er... a bit more stylish. :rolleyes:
  14. T

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    Phokus, Probably want to ask that question in the DISPLAYS forum. But basically, the answer is that 42" is just a little too big for regular use. 37" is the sweet spot, provided you can sit about 3 feet away.
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    What is the BEST DESK to use with a Westinghouse 37" LCD?

    MarkLT1, The Gallant looks like the winner (Beech or Birch finish as well), but I heard from some other forums that the T legs can be wobbly, that I should go with the A legs. The Westy is about 50lb, so it may make more sense for the A legs since they are spaced a little farther apart and...
  16. T

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    No, according to the Westinghouse rep, there are no updated / replacement 37" models on the way. Also, no new models in that size were announced in the 2007 Westinghouse product line announcement. Without trying to sound like a whiny kid, I even asked "But are you SURE?" Nope. No...
  17. T

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    Aaagh! Westinghouse LVM-37w3 has been discontinued! Not sure why they've done this! Tired of hearing the same stuff from the Best Buy folks, I called a Westinghouse phone rep today, inquiring when the next revision would arrive. He said it was discontinued. WTF?!? New Egg claims its...
  18. T

    What is the BEST DESK to use with a Westinghouse 37" LCD?

    Not sure why they've done this! Heard from a Westinghouse phone rep today, after inquiring when the next New Egg shipment will arrive. Slated for delivery on 06/08/07, IF they get it in, this may be the last time to grab them up! Kinda weird, since just a couple months ago this LCD won PC...
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    Any idea on when the new Westinghouse 37" models arrive?

    With the LTV-37w3 out for over a year now, will there be (and when) a LTV-37w4?:confused:
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    What is the BEST DESK to use with a Westinghouse 37" LCD?

    Heh-- that $10K desk doesn't look deep enough! :D
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    What is the BEST DESK to use with a Westinghouse 37" LCD?

    I saw the shell desk and was looking for something a BIT more stylish to appease the wife, but that would certainly handle the monitor. The Jerker replacement, the Fredrick, is not only less wide but less deep as well. It appears that the only improvement was to "polish up and finish out" the...
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    What is the BEST DESK to use with a Westinghouse 37" LCD?

    Nobody have any suggestions?
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    What is the BEST DESK to use with a Westinghouse 37" LCD?

    So I'm taking the plunge and using my New Egg gift certificates to buy a 37" 1080p Westinghouse LCD. I plan on using it as a multipurpose computer monitor. The problem is, my current desk is too shallow at 24". I'm looking for something deep enough (at least 30") so I'm not burning my eyes out...