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  1. S

    Belkin Nostromo n52 vs Saitek Pro Gamer Command Unit

    Yeah Saitek calls it a hat switch but it is essentially a full analog joystick. Games that support analog joysticks read it as such, so there is no need to map it unless you want to do something other than what a joystick would do in a game.
  2. S

    Belkin Nostromo n52 vs Saitek Pro Gamer Command Unit

    Although I haven't owned a Nostromo N52 I have checked out the display models at various stores. I have owned and worn out the d-pad on two Nostromo N50 game pads (the N52's predecessor). The build quality, or lack there of (as far as I could tell with out disassembling it, which I have done...