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  1. M

    Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

    So, nobody has yet managed to make some nice stopwatch pictures with 1/1000 resolution of this and a cloned CRT monitor? :( It'd be really nice to see, how many ms it is slower than a CRT with RTA on and with RTA off.
  2. M

    where are all the sonys lcd monitors?

    Yes, they are out :( Unfortunatly, because they made really good monitors.
  3. M

    Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

    Wow that's so nice from you :) Your rank should immediatly be promoted from n00bie to Rookie of the year :) Ah, and when you are doing it, please try it some pictures with overdrive (or MagicSpeed how it is called in Samsung language) off, and some with overdrive on, would be interesting...
  4. M

    Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

    Thanks a lot for those shots! Now I at least know, that the screen is reasonably fast! I think, you probably don't have the CRT on the desk anymore, but it would be nice to have some 1/1000th resolution of the stopwatch timings like here for the Eizo S2411 (site is in german, pics are...
  5. M

    22" lcd test. Interesting results

    ah, and now since some people here have this monitor, it would be really cool, if one could test input lag with a photo of 2 virtual stopwatch or similar programs. Just start 2 watches with 1/1000sec resolution, one on the samsung LCD, and one on a second CRT which is connected to the same...
  6. M

    22" lcd test. Interesting results

    No, at least not when you want to play under linux, or at least I have not found an option for that thing in nvidia-settings there. So, the rants about not having a hardware 1:1 pixel mapping is not only relevant to xbox, ps3, etc. but also for us Linux or MacOS guys.