Search results

  1. D

    Anti-Piracy Tool For Cinemas Will Recognize Emotions

    Movies suck. I spend my entertainment dollars on gaming :)
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    It Is The “Clean Your Damn PC” Weekend

    I was fixing one for a co-worker once... I got it home, opened up the case, and it was one solid dust bunny inside. Solid. I removed it like it was a piece of styrofoam. Super gross.
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    China to Build State-Run Search Engine

    LOL even the Chinese passed on using Bing
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    Time Warner Cable And The $12,000 Installation Fee

    I work in telecom, and there are three rules to follow to get things like this corrected: 1) escalate 2) escalate 3) escalate Start by calling the billing department and let them know it's being disputed. Then ask for a manager - if they won't fix it, ask for their manager... and so on and so...
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    A Look at Cadillac One

    Interesting timing for a newer and safer presidential limo. I guess nobody cares if GWB got shot up?
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    CD Trimmer?

    That's almost as good as Denon's $500 ethernet cable:
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    NASA Moves Forward with Mars Rover Launch in 2009

    An SUV on Mars is just fucking badass. Didn't the Chinese *just* put some folks in orbit last month? (yawn) How quaint.
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    Sign Of The Times?

    maybe instead of a soda they should give away a calculator... cause anyone that would go for this obviously has trouble counting money. it's interesting thought that the incentive to sign up has been turned down to a can of soda. when i was in college there were credit card booths set up all...
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    [H] Is Toast!

    who eats bell pepper slices with toast?
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    Search Engine Targets Black Community

    An expected response from someone who thinks he's being accused of having a small dick or something. You're missing the point. It's nothing like that. It's not about if you physically are capable - it's about if you're a white guy, you'll have a fundamentally different life experience than a...
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    Search Engine Targets Black Community

    Just like Stan Marsh, I don't get it. Neither do any of you other white people, and we never will. So worry about your own issues and let the black people do whatever they need to do to. For the record this isn't a christian porn site. It's a christian ministry site for porn addicts...
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    Robots + Air Hockey = You Lose

    Foosbot is already here - check out the link in my earlier post.
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    Robots + Air Hockey = You Lose

    I have 3 kids - seen it twice already :) That's probably what put me in that mindset.
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    Robots + Air Hockey = You Lose

    I actually find myself disagreeing with this - but not because it wouldn't be economically feasible. Actually it would probably sell quite well. The problem I have with it is that it further isolates us. Games like air hockey have always required two people to play. Taking away the social...
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    Former HP VP Guilty of IBM Trade Secret Theft

    Talk about being a scapegoat... Why would HP fire him? They certainly enjoyed having the info he provided.
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    Robots + Air Hockey = You Lose

    Air Hockey is for 9 year olds and drunk girls. Foosbot rules all humans on a whole 'nuther level of complexity...
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    Office Space…In A Box

    OMG that intro had my ADD kicked into overtime. I felt like a 3 year old squirming in his seat trying to get away from it. The accent of that narrator made my teeth hurt too. BTW, I used to install Hayworth office furniture when I was in college, and it's like retarted easy to install... I...
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    Real Life “Rocket Man” Flies

    btw, here's a p200 on ebay for about half price: The "Possible Uses" links on that page are kick ass, btw...
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    Real Life “Rocket Man” Flies

    It was a good show, but you gotta agree that the song is WEAK. Which jetcats are those? The big P200's? If so 4x of them would put him in the neighborhood of 180lbs thrust @100%, right?
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    Blu-ray Numbers Too Low To Release

    That's exactly what's happeneing. Everyone I know who wants a blu-ray player gets a PS3 instead. It's better and cheaper.
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    U.S. Ranked No. 4 For Networked Readiness

    Only they're 19 on the list.... I'll take a pass on Japan.
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    U.S. Ranked No. 4 For Networked Readiness

    Incorrect. The tests don't remove any overhead, they test the actual speed you're getting, assuming the bandwidth at the host location isn't a chokepoint. The reason that speed isn't 5Mb/800Kb is because of 1) TCP windowing 2) latency inherent in the network, and 3) the size of the packets...
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    U.S. Ranked No. 4 For Networked Readiness

    I second that - most of the residential speed tests aren't cut out to handle more than 8/1 service with any degree of reliability. I actually have customers that will get in a 100M Ethernet connection, run a round on speedtest, and then complain that they are only seeing 10-15M of throughput...
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    Cool Picture Of The Day

    I thought this was going to be something way cooler, like maybe dancing 3dstudio max babies, or maybe a cat meowing "i love you". Instead we get this time lapse photo that sux donkey teats. Most disappointed... it'll be a long time before I'm baited with "Cool Picture of the Day" again.
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    Singer Reports iTunes Problem To Apple

    wait... i thought macs had teflon coated memory sheaths that prevented data from getting stuck so that, you know, they never crash? :rolleyes:
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    Nortel Set to Launch Faster Network Technology

    40G networks have been around for at least a year now - this is old news. All of the top carriers - AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and Qwest all have 40G segments in their backbones. VZ announced yesterday that it would be putting in 100G segments in the beginning of 2009, and I'm expecting that all...
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    33-Way Thermal Interface Material Comparison

    Thanks for taking the time to address this element of system building that mostly has been documented by word of mouth and "a vs b" tests. Really appreciate this...
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    Data-Recovery Firm Reveals Top Client Mishaps

    what the hell is up with all this "important company data" being stored on USB drives??!? that makes my palms sweat just reading it.
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    Internet Could Run Out of Capacity in 2 Years

    I'm in the telecom biz and have a few things to say about this... 1) there's no way that there will be capacity issues in 2 years. most carriers have OC-192 backbones (10G) that are capable of running concatenated NxOC-192 bundles. that scales very well - lighting up a couple extra 10G...
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    Newegg / [H]ardOCP AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Black Edition Drawing

    1. Finally migrate off of my Socket 939 board and take a week off of work to bask in the goodness of my new CPU! 2. Phenom!
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    Best Tech-Nerd Halloween Costume

    Congratulations, Mr Random, on having a kick ass Halloween costume.
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    XP Easter Eggs

    Link is dead
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    Massive Cable Messes

    Do people even get BICSI certs any more?
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    Massive Cable Messes

    reminds me of the old "Beirut Telecom" pics... :eek:
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    If AT&T Ran The Highway System

    Clearly the author was high when he wrote that. I mean, come on... that was the chronic talking.
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    Rome 320 A.D. Digitally Recreated

    "Ever wanted to roam around ancient Rome? Thanks to the talented folks at the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities at the University of Virginia, you can do just that." No, you cannot. Next time please consider a better tag line... like "SOON you will be able to do just...
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    Used CD Legislation Slows Used Game Sales

    I'm also a 100% born and raised Florida cracker, and just in case anyone was left wondering, the Florida legislature has been the most ineffective law making body in the United States for at least the last 15 years. The legislature does NOTHING of substance. It's gotten so bad, that when the...
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    AMD Blocking Access To The Frame Buffer

    The point here that AMD seems to have forgotten is that RIAA and MPAA aren't the ones buying their products. Consumers like us are. Very very disappointed to hear this, although I'm not necessarily going to switch to Intel - I'm sure they're doing something similar and it'll be interesting...
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    The Information Superhighway Needs New Lanes

    Are you kidding me? Qwest's backbone is about 2 years ahead of AT&T's and Verizon's from a technology standpoint. Verizon's the phone company where I live, and trust me, their DSL is by far and away the worst ISP experience I've ever had. I don't know ANYONE that has it that's 100% happy with...
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    Anyone have any recommendations for a 5.1 headset?

    Agreed - I've got the Turtle Beach and the Razer headphones sitting right in front of me and the Razer's padding is significantly thicker.