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  1. M

    SMP FAH on VMware

    I just posted in the FC-Forum: just one more day, i completed the download of open-suse 10.2 - 64bit (>4 GByte) and i will take a tryout with the suse-linux (cause i got lil more expirience with suse). If a suse-VMWare dont work...
  2. M

    SMP FAH on VMware

    Hmm, i thought the source of my torrent vm image is yours (got the download link from another forum) ...maybe i download the torrent image again :) .
  3. M

    SMP FAH on VMware

    Hi, i got a prob and i dont know how to handle because i dont know a lot about linux. I got a Core2Duo E6600 und on my 32 Bit Windows XP, i run a VMWare Server with a Debiun 64Bit Server (the torrent-iso). anyway, when i start the 5.91 beta SMP-client, i got this message and nothing...