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  1. S

    Westinghouse 37".... only $524! too good to be true?

    Its a lie.. whoever said they ordered with a credit card lied. They dont even offer the option. Go ahead and try to order something w/your credit cards and see for urself. Only options thye have r money transfers.
  2. S

    Westinghouse 37".... only $524! too good to be true?

    lol risky? dude this site is a scam.. just the fact alone that they dont accepts cc should be enought to tell u its fake, i've got a friend who fell for crap like this and sent 1000 dollars through a wire transfer to buy a music keyboard which he thought was a great deal... guess what he stilll...
  3. S

    Westinghouse 37".... only $524! too good to be true?

    Hey this site is so phony it's not even funny. You know what "my friend" ;-) did? he made a fake account with them... and then ordered over 2 billion dollars worth of products from them. "My friend" found no way of paying through credit card with them. Only options they have is swift money...