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  1. T

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    @speedman I wish you all the best with your new playtoy. Please make some pictures and write a good review, because you are the probably the first with a westy in belgium. hehe @phobic I'm also from Germany. How much tax`@ the custom you have to pay? thx, tgp
  2. T

    Westinghouse help!!!!

    HI, I have the same questions as holla2006. I live in Germany and I badly want to have this Westinghouse. Thx for your help, tgp
  3. T

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    @speedman what's about the custom? Do u have to pay a lot of many?
  4. T

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    It's a fair price, I think. It's so unfair, the only TV that is quiet similar ist the BenQ DV3750 37" and 1920x1080, but it doesn't work optimal with a Computer... that means u just have 1280x1024, so there is interpolation. Oh well, that sucks. tgp
  5. T

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    HI Speedman, I looked at the products of "costupdate". He just hast the Westinhouse 37 with 1366 x 768, but I'm still interested if eveything goes fine with your order. So please stay in contact to let me know the latest news about your order. Thank u so much, tgp
  6. T

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    Hehe, I've been there one year in 1998. So, a long time ago. Probably plan my next vacation in the US..... to visit Hooters etc. again. On the way home I have to make some deal with the customs.. hehe. thx, tgp
  7. T

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    Hello, you guys should be so lucky to live in the USA. In germany we don't get so awesome Monitors or TV for such less money. There is no chance I can get the Westy 37 w3. Would somebody be so nice to buy one and send it to Germany? Somebody has a other idea how I can't get such a...