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    Achieva Shimian QH270| $400 IPS 2560x1440 Korean Monitor

    Been thinking about the Cross Over 27Q LED. This model has a metal housing (aluminum). not being carried by the ebay people yet and haven't heard any reports yet. Found this blog post though, and thought people might be interested...
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    Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

    Its hard to to a side by side comparison, but with the factory settings (the brightness was jacked all the way up as to be explected) the colors did seem to jump out at me much more so than my ancient 18" lcd (TN panel i think). From my subjective view, colors were good, not a huge diffrernce...
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    Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

    My cable box puts out an HD signal, either 1080i or 720P, I tried both. I was watching ESPNHD at the time which puts a logo on the sides for non-HD content. The cablebox scales this up to 720P 1080i depending on how the cablebox is setup. So to answer your question it DOES have aspect ratio...
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    Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

    Well I promised pics as well, I'll update the thread as I take more. Benq 24" vs Sammy 56" Packaging and Setup:
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    Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

    Thanks for your good info dangerisgo. I am disappointed in all the flaming and jumping to conclusions in this thread. Although I am a new member I have lurked on hardforums for years. This thread in particular helped me make the decision to buy the benq over the dell 2407. Back when the...