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  1. D

    Dell 2007WFP or 2407WFP

    I have an A02 and I love it. I haven't noticed any problems with it during regular use, though I have to admit that I haven't gone looking for problems, either. The added price over the 2007 is quite a bit, but from my standpoint, the monitor is the only part of my PC that I am always...
  2. D

    Fresh Conroe build, no input signal

    I had the same problem with my recent Conroe build (actually my first and only build). It turned out that one of my sticks of ram was bad (I had two 1 GB sticks). I would try that first if you have any other compatible ram laying around.
  3. D

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Are you referring to me? If so, that's untrue. It is from deviant art. Regarding the speakers, I like them and they sound good to me, though I haven't heard them side-by-side with the ones by Klipsch.
  4. D

    Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000

    I have both the NEK4000 and the Logitech MX Revolution. My previous keyboard was a Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite circa 1998. My first reaction was similar to that of others in that the keys have more resistance than I was used to. I've been using the keyboard for nearly a month and I can't...
  5. D

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Here is a pic of my new Core 2 Duo setup with my new Dell 2407WFP. If only the desk were black...