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  1. D

    Man to Auction His Life on Ebay

    I was in Perth for about 2 months in 06' It is the most beautiful city I have ever been in anywhere in the world. Bias aside it has to be one of the top cities in the world although it is also the most isolated city in the world. AMAZING beaches. Where this guys lives is absolutely incredible...
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    I would love it!!!! Please.......
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    Newegg / [H]ardOCP AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Black Edition Drawing

    1) Build a machine that can run the full glory of Crysis and the other great games coming out then give my old PC to my in-laws (AMD 3800). 2) Phenom
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    Newegg / [H]ardOCP AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Black Edition Drawing

    1) Build a a new machine that will run the full glory of the new games coming out for us and give my old machine to my in-laws. 2) Phenom