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  1. E

    Streaming Bluray Ripped Files on XBOX From HTC

    use join. are you using tsmuxer? dvdfab has a remux mode. use that instead of encoding. i suppose...ive only come across a couple movies that werent in one file, and then they were generally in order...
  2. E

    Streaming Bluray Ripped Files on XBOX From HTC

    this post makes no sense because: a) MKV is not a format, codec, or profile. its a container. b) the xbox 360 has zero support for the mkv container. not narrow support, zero support. c) OP never posted any desire to play mkv on xbox. its like your making a poor suggestion, and then saying...
  3. E

    How do I use my Klipsch 2.1 Speakers for both my computer AND HDTV? i know, i know $80. but if you go cheap on this, your audio quality is going to suffer and at worst, your going to get cross...
  4. E

    WTB: Quality AGP Video Card

    microcenter is gettting rid of all their X850XT AGP's. $236 priced untill sold out. some stores instore price is $ 222, but the online price is $236.
  5. E

    WTB Cheap PCI 3D Card

    needed for older system with no AGP slot. nothing fancy, just need for N64 emu. Geforce 2/Radeon 7500 min. [email protected]