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    Watercooling Setup - Feedback Needed

    Having some issues with PC temps due to its location which gets pretty hot during the summer and other minor issues. Have been reading the forums and all the water cooling threads I am reading sort of got me on the kick to attempt it myself. Here are the components: Pump - Laing DDC -...
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    Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

    Ordered yesterday from Newegg and the product was shipped last evening as well. Received it today and hooked it up. So far I am very impressed. No dead pixels that I can tell (used the Dead Pixel Buddy util) and the colors look great. Configured WoW in 1900x1200 WS mode and I was blown away...
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    Crosshair Mobo + 4600+ x2 flash, anyone?

    I have not read the asus forums so far, but I have the crosshair/x24600 combo. No problems flashing the Bios (actually did it twice from 0119 to 0121 and from 0121 to 0201), and just finished my Prime95 burn-in/torture test with no errors (had it running for 15 hours straight).
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    Crosshair Mobo + 4600+ x2 flash, anyone?

    I gave up on Vista RC1 and installed XP (32 bit) instead. So far everything looks good. Installed all MS updates and IE 7 RC 1. All drivers were installed and hardware is detected normally. I will have a look at CapnKirks thread to see what is going on.
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    Crosshair Mobo + 4600+ x2 flash, anyone?

    With Bios ver 0119 the 4600+ was detected just fine. Having problems with installing RC1 of Vista (64bit). Originally I was getting some CD ROM errors. After an upgrade to Bios ver 0121 I get past the initial Windows Boot screen, but can't get past the nice Blue background that loads right...
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    Crosshair Mobo + 4600+ x2 flash, anyone?

    I just purchased the same configuration. Prior to this post I did not read about any incopatibilities between the 4600 and the crosshair, and I know people who have the same config with no issues. I should have the components by Friday and will post my results over the weekend.
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    Vortex 2 HDD cooler and Case with drive bay door question

    I am thinking of getting a couple of Vantec Vortex 2's to keep my HDD temps cool. I will also be getting a new case (looks like it will be an Apevia X-Cruiser) which has a front door that open to display the various bays. The vortex 2 has a dial that allows you to change the speed of the...
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    NAS options?

    I have been looking for a similar solution. I think that I am going to go for the ReadyNAS NV made by infrant. It is a bit on the expensive side ($600 about), but I think it is worth it.
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    PSU options for new system (PurePower 250 related)

    I have a couple of questions actually and was hoping that I could get some feedback and opinions on how to proceed. I am specing out a new gaming pc (AM2 based) and was wondering what to do when it comes to picking a good PSU. The big factor for me right now is video card. I am looking at...
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    Conroe= par with AMD in gaming !

    First of all I must say I am glad that this post is not getting as bad as its equivalent on the Intel forums :) but I did have some comments about items I read in this thread (and on the other one as well) so far: It seems like all the people talking about a bias in the review are acting as...
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    Who still uses Socket A platform in their main rig?

    I still use Socket A as well for my main PC. Started out with a 1800+ processor on it and now I am at a 3200+ Barton on the same motherboard. The latest upgrade (almost a year or so ago) was a 6600GT video card. Everything else is pretty standard. Can run most games although I would like...
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    Intel Core 2 Gaming Performance

    I have been browsing and reading this site and others for years now but rarely provide any feedback in the forums. This thread has been the first in a long time that has made me want to provide my opinion. Some background; I currently have a socket A based system and I am in the market to...