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  1. H

    Got Orange Box, can I download CS:S?

    I can't find anywhere that stocks CS:S, so i've bought Orange Box, something I planned to do anyway, but now, from steam, is there anyway i can download CS: S. Do I have to pay for it? I'm fine with that, i'm just a bit confused. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. H

    Crysis too easy?

    I reinstate my first post. Game is well easy, I finished it about a week ago on Delta. Only a few places that required me to retry several times and some annoying bugs that meant i had to restart levels (the bug where the little aliens freeze in mid air grrrr). Cool game, looking forward to...
  3. H

    Crysis too easy?

    I retract my original post. I'm playing through the full campaign now. It has been a piece of cake until Paradise Lost (Delta mode of course). This game reminds me a bit of a hardcore Deus Ex, but still, easier.
  4. H

    Crysis too easy?

    Woo, it's my birthday today and I ended up getting given Crysis full as a present (1337 giftz0r), so i'm going to go full in on delta and see if I can prove myself wrong. Hopefully it turns out to be an absolute bitch hard game.
  5. H

    Crysis too easy?

    Now before everyone kills me, I haven't played the entire campaign. What i'm speaking about is the demo. Every part of the Demo was pretty darn easy on Hard mode. Duck, cloak, head shot, duck. Rinse repeat. If things get a little crowded, cloak, duck, wait till people walk over you then run...
  6. H

    Collapsible buildings in Crysis? Really? Not for me.

    Ah! Boom boom boom! Thanks
  7. H

    Collapsible buildings in Crysis? Really? Not for me.

    How the bloomin' 'ell do you blow up buildings and the sort? I've tried grenades, i've tried those big red barrels, i've tried running into the walls with cars, and shooting for hours at the walls with the mounted guns, heck i've even tried punching the walls. Is there something i'm doing...
  8. H

    Post your crysis performance

    Will it run on my compy 386?
  9. H

    Will an x1950 pro run UT3 well?

    Actually HOLD UP. It's changed. Now it's a 2600xt. x1950 pro were out of stock. Should I opt for the 2600xt, or would it be safer to go with an 8600GT? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. H

    Will an x1950 pro run UT3 well?

    All I care about is how smoothly it will be able to play. I don't care about high settings are any of that business. My set up is as follows. It's original intention is music production, but it's always nice to be able to play some funky games too. amd 64 6000+ 4 gig ram x1950 pro 74 gig...
  11. H

    X1950 Pro or GeForce 8600 GT?

    i'm going to be doing a lot of music production, but you're right, 4 gigs does seem excessive. however it's damn cheap nowadays.
  12. H

    X1950 Pro or GeForce 8600 GT?

    I'm a bit confused. I seem to be leaning towards the X1950 pro, but i'm not entirely sure why. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on my dilemma? This is what i'm going to be running with my new system Amd64 6000+ 4gig Ram I'm not sure if it makes any difference or not, i've...
  13. H

    Do I need Vista to play new games?

    I know this probably sounds ignorant, but i'm buying a new system soon, and I don't particularly want to buy Vista because it's a bit oh a hassle to use and seems a bit superfluous, but i'm wondering if you need it for DX10, or will new games be able to run on Winxp? Any help would be greatly...
  14. H

    What games are big?

    I mean this in the sense of, how should I say, if you walked down a street in korea or sweden and said "hey, want to play x?" they would be like "yeah damn straight!". So games that I have some idea of are ones like (these may or may not still be popular, my thoughts are that they are not)...
  15. H


    Similar to D2 visuals, just much sharper and "purer". Absolutely fantastic game. The one game that stole my year 10 holidays from under me. Great story line, characters, skills, monsters, battle systems, soundtrack, locations. Anything else you can think of, it had it, minus a good...
  16. H

    My friends and I need an online co-op game for PC.

    We were thinking of going back to baldurs gate or something similar. Does anyone have any recommendations? We are really struggling. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
  17. H

    Why do you play video games?

    I've always been a big fan of the rpg's and immersing myself in worlds that other people have brought about through their ideas. The plots usually keep me going in games. That or the opportunity to blow things up.
  18. H

    Is myspace the most played mmorpg?

    I guess this is kind of off-topic, but in a way I don't think it is. I'm not entirely sure how many people have and use, but it would certainly be in high contention with WOW. Think about it, you base your character on yourself, you can even give them a name similar to your...
  19. H

    Wiimote + HL2(PC)

    Ohh dude. Getting a wii now for sure.
  20. H

    What are going to be the new 'professional' games?

    Search boxer and starcraft on youtube. That guy is like the ubercelebrity in korea. Every korean girl = his !!!!!!.
  21. H

    What are going to be the new 'professional' games?

    Natural games = Gamers who don't take steroids ?
  22. H

    What are going to be the new 'professional' games?

    Ok, so people have become professional gamers by games like the quake series, counter strike, strarcraft, war3, Halo etc... But what about now with all the new games? Won't some of these games be superceded? And if so, what games will become the new 'professional' games?
  23. H

    What are the RPG's I must play?

    Oh yeah i'd consider Deus Ex an RPG. Just not an entirely traditional one, but that makes no difference to me, I like how lots of the RPG's are evolving now. Except i'm still a bit dissapointed with games like Oblivion. That was a bit too hack'n'slash without a story line. Deus ex had it all.
  24. H

    What are the RPG's I must play?

    I'm not terribly familiar with original rpg's. I've played D'n'D a fair bit with friends and it's pretty cool, but i'm much more into the whole video game side of it. The wikipedia list sounds like a good idea, there have definitely been alot of contributions to this page. Thanks alot...
  25. H

    What are the RPG's I must play?

    Thanks for the list, yeah the castlevania's are awesome. I've finished the SNES and GBA ones, very enjoyable. Thanks to everyone for the list, keep it coming! I guess that's one thing about a list like this involving RPG's. People tend to have pretty positive personal experiences with them...
  26. H

    What are the RPG's I must play?

    What was the harvest moon on GC like? It looked pretty chilled.
  27. H

    What are the RPG's I must play?

    Oh yeah, I finished both red and blue. Had an awesome line up with a little help from my link cable. Alakazam Charizard Venusaur Blastoise Gyrados (Garydos? Sp?) Not sure who else. But it was pretty badass.
  28. H

    What are the RPG's I must play?

    Ok, so far here is my list. That's alot of games! All final fantasies including Tactics and Gameboy games. Dragon Quests (any in particular?) Gothic 1 and 2 Star Ocean 3 and second story Suikoden 1/2/3/5 Dungeon Master II Ultima VII KOTOR 1/2 Breath of Fire 3/4/5 Lunar 1/2 Chrono...
  29. H

    What are the RPG's I must play?

    Brilliant, thanks for all the posts! Please keep them coming. I'm thinking i'll go through most of the FF's. Maybe in order (even though the plot line isn't sequential :P).
  30. H

    What are the RPG's I must play?

    I'm taking next year off from uni, and I plan to get a bit more involved in gaming as I'm considering it a possible career pathway. I haven't played many RPG's for a while, and I'm going to get back into it, as i'd say RPG's would have to be one of my favourite genres by far. These are RPG's...
  31. H

    World in Conflict

    Yeah I got a bit suspicious when they said strategy game. I was like "fps strategy? It could work, it could work." Still, wicked clip.
  32. H

    World in Conflict

    Wow indeed, a couple of scenes into it I was like "hold on, is this actual footage." Absolutely incredible. Though a couple of the body movements near the start were a bit dodgy. But still, wow.
  33. H

    Would any of you consider making games as a career?

    Yeah that's what I was intending ; to be a writer. Sorry I should have been a little more descriptive. :p Anything that involved voice acting, dialoge, plot development, character development, quest designs etc... I think that would be awesome, but you don't hear much about video game...
  34. H

    Would any of you consider making games as a career?

    Like any part of the production team? I was just wondering because I've been thinking about it as a potential career path, and I was wondering if anyone thought about it too? If so, why would you consider it? If not, why not?
  35. H

    Most violent or funniest thing done after not...

    I remember my girlfriend used to get super pissed at me when we'd be chatting on the phone, and all my concentration would be focused on Elastomania. I got to the point where I could say "oh really?", "cool, cool" and other generic sentences with perfect precision. But she could still hear the...
  36. H

    Proudest gaming achievements

    1.) A couple of second places in Australian Elastomania records. 2.) A on Max 300 heavy on the actual game. 3.) AAA on all 8th mix songs on stepmania.
  37. H

    Video game writers?

    Hey guys, Well, i'll try not to waste any of your time with superfluous information. Basically, i'm 17 years old, just got out of highschool and i've been jumping back and forth between university degrees : Medical school, Arts, Music. I haven't found anything particularly gripping ; nothing...
  38. H

    Does anybody play games for Fun anymore?

    I think perhaps with 3d gaming we have hit a bit of a plateau where things are revolving a bit more around getting visuals synched with gameplay. The first 2-d games were pretty crap and in a sense I think they can be likened to a couple of games being produced now. However I think once...
  39. H

    Diablo 3- finally more than rumors?

    World of Diablo? I dunno, it would be cool, but I may never leave the computer again :p Starcraft 2 would be awesome IMO, however they'd really have to work on keeping it faithful and making sure it wasn't a flop. Though considering Blizz's track record, I wouldn't be too worried about this.
  40. H

    Need a game where my mind can wonder!

    Thankyou everyone for your help, I'll look into oblivion and i'm downloading that cloud game now. GTA: SA can get a little tedious once you've gotten 99 million, unlimited ammo for most guns and modified cars in countless different ways. I go out and walk and listen to stuff aswell, I just...