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  1. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    OK, here's one for those who think they are running the FPD2185W in DVI mode at 75hz -- When I add a 1680x1050x75 resolution to my graphics card selections and set the monitor to run at that setting, why does the OSD information menu still show that I am at 1680x1050 x 59.7hz with input...
  2. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    Follow-up. Based on your input, I did a complete uninstall of all nvidia stuff, manually removed the folders, then reinstalled 81.98 drivers; the flat panel menu is now available. Must have been something left over from the MX 420 or FX 5500 that caused the missing menu. I'm now happily using...
  3. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    What card do you have? Maybe the missing flat panel menu item problem is specific to the 6600 (not GT)? Charax
  4. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    A follow-up message to let everyone know what I've learned. First, the NVIDIA FX 5500 cannot support this monitor in DVI. It says it right there on the box, "Flat-panel display support with resolutions up to 1600 dpi..." Of course, I had to learn the hard way, and returned the Mad Dog FX5500...
  5. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    Many thanks for your reply -- just what I needed to know! Cheers, Charax
  6. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    Exactly. It would also be nice if the 4:3 could be made to zoom proportionally to fit screen height but allow black bars on sides. Does your card allow 4:3 without stretching?
  7. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    Thanks for asking. I need it for viewing the web sites I design at the exact same resolutions and aspect ratios they are viewed by my customers. Also, my old eyes need larger type for some projects such as designing fonts, etc., so stretching is unacceptable. Were you able to switch into...
  8. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    Thanks but, unfortunately, my GeForce 4 MX 420 card is not providing the "Digital flat panel settings" (its the original card that came with my Dell Dimension 8200). I just loaded the nvidia 81.98 drivers which I think are the latest. Could someone with an nvidia FX 5500 128mb card please...
  9. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    Anyone interested in hearing experiences of a low-end, non-gamer over 60? I primarily use my computer for programming image databases, doing Photoshop work, web site management and surfing the 'net. Text size on screen is very important to me. I got my FPD2185W on 1st Dec at BB, knowing their...