Search results

  1. T

    VPN between offices in China

    I'll try... Others think I may be behind CG NAT or Large Scale NAT. If that is the case, there isn't much I can do but scream. Something about the USA hogging 60% of the IPV4 addresses for 5% of the world's population. Carrier-grade NAT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    VPN between offices in China

    I have a small home office in China and my internet using dynamic IP addressing there doesn't want to allow a VPN connection into the office either with OpenVPN or PPTP into my dd-wrt router. I get no connection, and various other errors that seem to be related to no connectivity. Yet from the...
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    On/Off Thermostatic Fan Control separate from MB

    How did you wire it? Solder into the 12V line to the fan? Does it remember the setpoint if you unplug power, or do you have to reprogram the setpoint? I'm thinking of a 40 degrees C setpoint, with no shutdown until 25 degrees C to limit fan cycling when it actually does come on. Size is a...
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    On/Off Thermostatic Fan Control separate from MB

    I have a NAS box that makes too much noise because the fans won't shut down. Since everything goes too sleep, HD spin down etc, there is no need for the fans to keep running. MB control is not available, but just a simple thermostat on a molex connector would be lovely. Where can I find...
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    SSD prices

    Why can't somebody glue a 256 GB SSD to a 3-4 TB HD, and make them operate like one unit. The user just uses it, and it uses the 256 GB SSD like high speed cache, moving the data to the slower speed platters for archival when nothing else is going on. This should be an OS feature....
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    You guys are awesome. Thanks for the tips.
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    Sorry about the first link. It keeps stripping out (the ssd review dot com) Tried to fix it but stripped again. http://.com/raid-enterprise/newer-technology-guardian-maximus-mini-portable-raid-review/5/
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    Found a couple of reviews out there, but trust you guys to shred the reviews. First one is being stripped out by the forum software to (the ssd review dot com) http://.com/raid-enterprise/newer-technology-guardian-maximus-mini-portable-raid-review/4/...
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    Sorry, but cost is always an obstacle. This is why we are running Windows for this work. Just try and price half dozen high end MAC computers. The Drobo mini is interesting, but more expensive. Will see where I can get thunderbolt PCIe cards.
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    Love the idea of pairing a small fast SSD with a 3TB Green HD. This would be the ultimate. We would never need more than 10-20 gigabytes at one time, but we would be accessing it non-chronologically. We just need software that manages the movement of the data from SSD to the green HD. From...
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    If this was for me, I would go with the Super Talent flash drive. I can manage the small size. The staff using this on a regular basis, are not computer friendly, and since this is a workflow requirement,all the images would flow onto this system, and would be edited off this system, and we...
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    Wow those are fast. Still we need to be able to hold a number of months of photo shoots and 2 TB is comfortable. We used to only have 1TB and it was too small. We need to be able to access our current workflow without having to copy it back from the archived unRaid server.
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    I see my Drobo being my 100TB unRaid that provides fault tolerant storage. Too heavy to move.. What I need is fast portable storage in 2TB size. Approx 200 mb/sec or faster read and write.
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    A typical day will add 10gig to the externals, and we are working on several months worth at a time, so 2TB is a comfortable size. Would love a 2TB SSD, but it would be pricey. A 2 bay 2.5 eSata enclosure sounds ideal, but not easy to find. Maybe this one...
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    The backup solution is unRaid over gigabit ethernet. 100 mb/sec is all you can do at present, but fast enough. I call that slow, because raid0 locally is over twice that fast. It really gives us the best cost/performance. Unreliable 2-4TB raid0 being continually backed up in the background...
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    A 2 bay 2.5 enclosure would be fine, if you left cables behind. Even 3.5" could work, but 2.5 is preferable. Reliability is an issue, but while here, the drives are always being backed up. Only an issue while they are off-site for a few hours.
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    I really like the speed that I get with Raid0 today. 200+ MB/s read and write. Will USB 3 be that fast? That speed an 2TB capacity in a portable package are the requirements.
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    We need 2TB minimum in the portable solution. This is enough for 6 months of data, and the rest is archived on the NAS. (we have capacity for 100TB there) The 2TB requirement is why we are using rotating media rather than SSD. (fast enough when in Raid0 but still affordable)
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    We are presently sticking with rotating media as 2-4TB of SSD gets pricey. Raid0 helps the rotating media read and write faster. So eSata is the best way to go for speed? I suppose a 2 bay 2.5" enclosure would be tiny and portable.
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    Fastest Portable External Storage - Raid0 ?

    We currently have the following structure for our Win 7 photo editing workstations. OS: SSD or Raptor Data: Internal Raid0 via W7 dynamic disk (2-4TB) Backup: Hourly backups to slow but reliable unRaid NAS (since the Raid0 is likely to fail at some point.) We want to find the fastest external...
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    Dynamic W7 Raid 0 array crashed

    Do you think clonezilla will make a workable clone? Never used it before. Don't think this is a simple computer crash. Likely impending HD failure. What I would like is to have a dashboard that gives pre-warning of impending HD failure. Windows isn't so capable that way.
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    Dynamic W7 Raid 0 array crashed

    Unbelievable, that worked. It even came up without needing to rescan disks. It shows that disk as "at risk" and complains about errors, but at least it mounted, and its being backed up as we speak. I'll get it imaged and replaced and perhaps we are good to go???
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    Dynamic W7 Raid 0 array crashed

    I haven't touched the drive yet, other than to change SATA cables, MB SATA ports, and power cables, just in case it was something simple. I don't want to jeapordize my chances of recovery by messing up the drives. However, if there is a simple path forward, I would be willing to try it...
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    Dynamic W7 Raid 0 array crashed

    DTI Data is proposing an "image only" option for the bad drive. Just send them a 2nd drive and they will image the data onto the new drive. Once the newly imaged drive is reinstalled, Win7 should recognize it and the data should come back. Price $700 for this. Other options start at $1000...
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    Dynamic W7 Raid 0 array crashed

    This is nobody's fault but my own. Graphics workstation that backs up to a server has crashed. Boot disk is fine and W7 will boot, but the dynamic disk array keeps windows from starting if connected. Computer will not boot up with 2 disk RAID 0 array connected to the motherboard. Once I...
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    Virtual File System Photoshop Raptor Raid 0 -> 2TB Green drive

    Yes, it seems that this kind of capability isn't quite there yet. Surely somebody other than me would want to benefit. Imagine a pair of Raid 0 Raptors, even only 150 gig each, virtually tied to a parity protected storage with 4-10 TB of very safe storage. The entire system would feel...
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    Virtual File System Photoshop Raptor Raid 0 -> 2TB Green drive

    How will I sync the 2 storage areas? I would like the OS to archive off to the green 2 TB drive, and use the array as short term work space. Think of the array as being a persistent high speed cache for the 2TB storage drive. Actually the array will be the smaller of the 2 if that matters...
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    Virtual File System Photoshop Raptor Raid 0 -> 2TB Green drive

    We use Photoshop a lot and like the speed it works with RAID 0 when saving files over 1 GB. What I am looking for is a way to make the OS transparently treat a smaller (say twin 300 GB Raptor Raid 0 array) and a 2 tb or 3 tb green drive as nearline storage as one virtual unit, without the...
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    Hitachi 250GB PATA $50+Shipping MIR (outpost)

    Mine was a sticker on the box, peelable, so no knife was required.
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    Maxtor 300GB PATA 109.99

    Deal's over....
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    Black Friday CompUSA

    No I'm not at work so you can't blame your zealous IT staff. I think they must be offline or doing something with them.
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    Black Friday CompUSA

    When I try and look at the Friday only page 1 I get: Warning: getimagesize(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/.imagine/smolek/ on line 78 Warning: getimagesize( failed to open stream: no suitable...
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    Emulate Mirra backup server with old Junk

    Let us know how GoodSync works out. It sounds like a real easy to implement solution, but not sure if I can make it do snapshots yet. Example of hourly, daily, weekly, monthly snapshots: The backup system stores the structure of the backup, but not duplicated data. You might have 4 hourly...
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    Emulate Mirra backup server with old Junk

    This is neat. Not being a linux guy, I will have to do some learning. All of my stuff is WinXP Pro. Can I do it completely without a linux server? I've checked out : but is seems to want to work with a Linux server. The ultimate would be an hourly...
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    Emulate Mirra backup server with old Junk

    Could I create a Mirra - like backup server with old junk laying around. What software does Mirra use? (Is it Linux based?) (I have about 6 computers that are starting to get some serious number of digital photos that need a reliable backup system) Tim
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    1gb ddr pc 3200 $45 bucks

    It's not the latest, but it takes PC3200 ram. Will it work? Tim