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  1. D

    Website critique

    I don't think it's the layout or design of the site, but it is sort of an eyesore. Your main problem is content. I look at the site and it says autistic... that's not really what I want to read about. BUT, if you put a catchy teaser that makes me want to learn more... that's what gets the...
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    Visio Flow Chart etc help.

    Aw flow charts. Those are the biggest waste of time in my opinion about any programming class. If you know what you're trying to make happen, you don't need the chart. But since you do.......... asking the professor helps. :D Could you give a little more information about what it...
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    basic C# tcp/ip client help

    If you aren't getting any errors showing up, then it is probably the order or how you're using the functions. Try to reorder the code and see if that helps.
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    Installed Cygwin and can't compile

    Could you post the original code so that we can see what could be the problem? It looks like you haven't declared your variables correctly, or you have something else messing them up.
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    Anyone know of any free advertising sites?

    @jpmkm: I think he wants ads so he can get higher in the page ranks easier, so that wouldn't help. I think what you want is a url trading system. You contact a webmaster and aggree to provide a link to them if they provide a link to you, etc. To my knowledge, there are no organized sites...
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    CSS Design & Firefox/IE

    The easiest way to have it perfectly cross-browser acceptable is to have a javascript or php code that finds the browser the viewer is using and using a separate style sheet for each. On the other hand, this could be quite tedious. If you don't want to do this, just try to make it as similar...