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  1. J

    OFFICIAL Logitech G15, mods and LCD stuff.

    Thanks @TheGamerZ for testing my little app. Showing those lines is exactly, what it should do. :D Next step is to show the temperature as text ... maybe I did it already. :rolleyes: But I'll continue further development in the forum of , C U there! Jannik
  2. J

    OFFICIAL Logitech G15, mods and LCD stuff.

    I just wrote a little application to get temperatures from Motherboard Monitor V5.3.7.0 ( and show it on the G15 lcd. Getting the temperatures from MBM works fine for me, my problem is still, that I don't have a G15 to test the display stuff. It would be great, if...
  3. J

    OFFICIAL Logitech G15, mods and LCD stuff.

    I'm from Germany and unfortunately, the G15 is not yet available here. I have an HD44780 LCD and wrote already software for it (I'm not a professional developer, but it worked :p ). If I can do the same with the G15, I think I'll buy one. So I looked for the SDK (not yet downloadable from...