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    Good stable clocker for 2600k on water?

    I had just upgraded my PC a few days ago from my q6600. All has gone well apart from my motherboard is not playing fair with me. I have the MSI z68s G43 (G3). It overclocks well even although I have no control over cpu voltage. Problem is its resetting its clock speed down, seen other...
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    Anyone got a 7950 GX2 to work with a Asus P5N32-E SLI Plus?

    I was thinking of getting this board the Asus P5N32-E SLI Plus but saw that somone in asus support forum had trouble getting the 7950gx2 to run both cores, anyone els have this setup and got it to work?
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    OCZ DDR2 PC2-8000 Titanium Alpha VX2 what motherboards do you have?

    what cpu you got? That memory is rated at 2.35 at stock so 2.2 may be a tad low for 500mhz. Saying that my memory on the evga board iv sent back got killed.:confused:
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    Well build a new system and so far.. NO GOOD

    Try using the second vga out on the gfx card for the monitor. I used by normal one and the screen was blank and showed FF on screen. I didnt even get a beep but found that when I pluged the monitor into the second vga out, it worked?
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    OCZ DDR2 PC2-8000 Titanium Alpha VX2 what motherboards do you have?

    I have some OCZ DDR2 PC2-8000 Titanium Alpha VX2 2gb kit ,memory but am unsure what the best compatible motherboard is? If you have this ram could you list what mobos you have and how well they work together please?
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    better mobo than a EVGA 680i?

    What about the Abit IN9 32X MAX 680i V Asus Striker?
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    better mobo than a EVGA 680i?

    Ah yes , now this board was the one I was to get before getting the EVGA. The reason I didnt get this was that as it uses a hybrid chipset it cant have both PCIe slots running at 16x speed, so I was told. If I could have run the graphics card in the bottom slot I would have got it as its good...
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    better mobo than a EVGA 680i?

    So now both the memory and mobo has gone back what would you guys recomend as a good alternitive? The Asus Striker seems a good board for a 680i? I may stick to the same memory as it seems like a good kit to have.
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    better mobo than a EVGA 680i?

    I only booted into windows 3 times with this new memory before 1 stick died. The thing is I havent seen no other reports on other motherboards having such issues with memory.
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    better mobo than a EVGA 680i?

    Im glad you had some luck, I like many others havent had too much luck. My memory is rated at 2.35v to run at stock and warrenty was covered to 2.4v. I ran my memory at 2.35v
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    better mobo than a EVGA 680i?

    Iv had my play with a EVGA mobo and one stick of memory dead, was enougth to know its going back. What I want to know is what mobo is better than this board that dont have a known problem with killing memory? I will pay as much as it takes for the best overclocking, stable memory friendly...
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    e6600 temps and monitors all over the place? Help!

    I get a C1 error code with both sticks in. I tryed one at a time and one fails every time. A long beep with the error code C1. I did a 3dmark 05 and when clock to my previouse clock speed of 2.8ghz, but my single core 3700+ sandy chip was my previouse cpu, the score comes out...
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    Hi end Mobo for clocking and good onboard sound?

    Ok guys, im hoping you can help me make my finnal decision on a sk775 mobo. My e6600 will be water cooled and overclocked so the mobo will have to be a good stable clocker. I have a 7950 GX2 card and have found it gets very hot. I would like the chipset to not be so close to the card. I...
  14. T

    What about the stepping makes a cpu a good clocker?

    Thanks for explaining the process it makes much more sence now. Now the term "Bin, wafer and silicon, what are these. I asume the silicon is the core that we put the paste on? Sorry if these sound stupid questions but I never seen these questions asked. So what makes them call the cores...
  15. T

    What about the stepping makes a cpu a good clocker?

    I understand that some steppings are good while others are bad for overclocking but dont know why. Take the Opty 165 for instance iv seen the CCBBE 0617 clock to 3ghz, this chip was supose to be a 1.8ghz. So what was it about this chip that alows such huge over clocks and others that are rated...
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    Building new pc need help for mobo AGP or SLI

    Thanks for that explanation saved me alot of reading as I did look and couldnt find nothink on this in one small artical. The one I was looking to get I lost on bid but heres another im looking at. here
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    Building new pc need help for mobo AGP or SLI

    Yea I should have titles my thred PCI Express not SLI. crossfire? IM totaly lost now, sorry but IV kinda stoped looking into pc technology for a while and it seems im lost and left behind a touch, lol. I didnt know that there is 3 types of PCI based GFX cards or am I wrong on that? PCI...
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    Building new pc need help for mobo AGP or SLI

    IM looking at getting the X800XT as I can get one quite cheep on ebay as a SLI version. Hows the DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 Ultra-D SKT939 DDR400 PCI-E SLI with a San diego 3700+ sound or should I go for the neo 2.
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    Building new pc need help for mobo AGP or SLI

    Currently I have a NF2 system with a xp2800+ ATI 9800XT graphics. All water cooled with danger den inc chipset. Iv noticed that im not getting the visual gaming I want with good Frame rates i.e I want the eye candy. I decided to get a better CPU being the San diego 3700+ giving its good...
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    Whats your pc temps and how quiet is ya pc?

    Hi all new here! Just wondered what water cooling setups you have and how cool is your pc and how quiet it is? Il start so your see what im after. Chip: XP2800+ @ stock speed 2079mhz Mobo: Abit AN7 Case: TT Armor Case fans: Non Blocks: DD TDX, MAZE 4 (cpu, chipset, gpu) 1/2"...
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    Thermaltake Gallery

    Still got some sleaving to put in it and a few mods and sods but just fitting my pc in this tower a few days ago.