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  1. W

    Un-Official BlackFriday Deal thread-

    argh... just found out I still have work on Friday :o
  2. W

    Looking for excellent 2gb kit other than Crucial Ballistix

    yeah i've been looking around for the ocz eb pc4000's for awhile now, newegg just keeps pushing the ETA date back. I may just get the G.skills
  3. W

    The nVidia 7800 Series Performance Survey

    anyone play need for speed most wanted yet? My 7800 gt load temp soars to 80C while playing this game, with most of the high settings on :eek: most other games will hang around 58-61C though.
  4. W

    Post your 3dMark 2005 scores here. (Link to list in 1st post)

    7350 swapped my p4 540 back into my computer, and put my bro's p4 520 back into his computer (he's only using a 9600 pro video card anyway, he won't notice a damn thing when gaming). score went up a bit from 6800ish. Finally after oc'ing...
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    DUAL SLI 7800GTs

    heh that is pretty sick
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    zalman 9500 for a 540 PRESCOTT

    I've got it on my 520, definitely overkill even after oc'ing to 3.3, I'll need some faster ram to make more use of the 9500
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    it's $599 now, and out of stock at that
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    definitely something I regret doing, but I can still game without problems ;)
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    Best Air Cooler Around

    I have a 9500 and the heat dissipated definitely leaves the case. I have the 9500's fan blowing the heat straight out the back of my aspire case. cpu temp is 36 deg. celsius at idle, and mid-high 40s while gaming. I'm using arctic silver ceramique, which still has less than 100 hrs of break-in...
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    Post your 3dMark 2005 scores here. (Link to list in 1st post)

    scored 6859 with an OC'd PNY 7800 GT (470/1202), I'm not exactly sure but I think my RAM is taking a big hit on my computer's performance
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    7800GT 3DMARK05 Scores

    wow you guys are getting good scores, after OC'ing my PNY 7800gt to 470/1202, I got a score of 6859. Would better memory would help improve my score? I have 1 GB (2 X 512 MB) corsair value select PC3200 RAM, I checked the timings with...
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    Crucial or OCZ?

    yes I'd like to know this as well, whawt is a ram divider :confused:
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    PNY 7800 GT 3dMark05 score scored a 6384, seems kinda low. I didn't overclock the card. Is it even possible to OC my gpu if my motherboard doesn't use nforce chipset drivers? Also, would upgrading my RAM improve gaming performance? I have 1 GB of corsair value...
  14. W 6 hour SALE.

    wow I can't believe all these price cuts for 7800gt's, just days after I buy one at full price :o